Buy a good silver maker and make your own product. Also go on the
internet ald look for good article on silver, especially good books on
silver. You will be needing a lot of it. Buy Dr. Norman Walker's book on
DMSO. You will find that on Google search. You will also have great
success if you look for the books by Dr. Norman Walker. Since TIME is
what you will be most short of, you will have to act quickly.
I believe it was in Better Homes And Gardens that I saw an article by
one of the people with that magazine. He or she had cancer and found out
that idf you are serious about getting wel, or getting anyone else well
- you had better be prepared to be your own doctor.
-----Original Message-----
From: Me [] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2003 8:55 AM
Subject: CS>RE: and orderiing
I am unable to keep up with all the I think I may have
messed up here. I just ordered some of their product last night due to
my husband having skin and prostate cancer. Is there any chance I would
receive it or should I just order it from the Bahama's. Any help would
be appreciated. Love the list and it's discussion. As you can see I need
a lot of help. Got yellow cs last time, and clear from the individual
who made us our generator. Haven't gotten to the bottom of the problem.
Am I to take the yellow or should it just be discarded. Thanks again,