
I think I can speak for everyone here when I say thank you to Jason for capturing the extensive and priceless pages from the web site prior to the unconscionable shut-down of the site.

I am certain of very few things in this world, but I am fairly sure that if this information is separated from the sale of the (excellent and effective) products, no one in the USA will be able to suppress the information. There are constitutional freedoms of free speech guaranteed even under the current regime.

I note that unlike some other companies recently under FDA scrutiny, altcancer has clear labels of all ingredients on the products, which means that the basic recipes for most of the proprietary products are known to us, which is good news indeed. If worse comes to worse, perhaps we will be able to get detailed instructions for producing some of these fine, effective anti-cancer substances, such as the Cancema salve. But I do hope the products will be available again in time.

I watched the entire online video about the Hoxey clinics some months ago, and was impressed by it. I recall being particularly amused by a middle-aged Middle American woman who'd had a huge tumor in her arm removed by a surgeon, only to have the growth return. Her MD wanted to remove her arm. She decided to go to Tijuana, Mexico, to the Hoxey clinic. As she recounted her conversation with her furious American MD:

"They will just take all of your money,"  the surgeon said.

"They can't,"  the woman replied.   "You already did. "

According to the video, the woman received the same sort of escharotic herbal treatment sold by altcancer as Cancema Salve, and within a few weeks the tumor was destroyed and fell out of her arm. Her cost for a two-week stay was about $1,500, if memory serves me.

Many similar testimonials are meticulously documented in the altcancer pages that Jason, bless him, has salvaged at the last moment.


On Thursday, Oct 2, 2003, at 09:27 Asia/Tokyo, Jason Eaton wrote:

Greetings, all:
As I mentioned previously, I have secured all of the data from, which is now offline.  The staff of Alpha Omega Labs has asked me to make available, at this time, two informational documents for public viewing, which, the principal interests being in jail currently, truly reach very close to home!
I have added a statement and links @
I have no problem, if it becomes necessary, making the entire website available on a CD.  However, I'd like to ask to hold off on that a bit, as I will have to redo much of the linking structure of the website, as some of the images and hyperlinks are referenced via their actual domain name ( known as an absolute url rather than a relative url )-- this means if I burn a CD as is, quite a few of the images and links will show as being "broken" even though the images and files are actually present, because the browser will be looking for the images on Alpha Omega's website, which currently no longer exists.
Going through the files I've saved, every once in a long while I come across an image that wasn't downloaded for one reason or another ( probably a server hickup ), but everything is intact.  If I have to change all of the link and image references so that they work properly from a local source ( such as a CD ), this will not be a problem.  However, all of this will hopefully not be necessary.  As it stands, viewing the site from a local hard drive, another server, or a CD results in broken links and broken images.
I would prefer to see how things pan out, and have offered to make the complete website available online as an independent and non-materially linked party.  In this scenario, the Alpha Omega Labs name would have to be removed from the information, and substituted with something like information about Alpha Omega Labs Products...  Or a similiar arrangment, minus the store.
In fact, it was alot easier for me to simply upload the whole website rather than just a few files ( just a few clicks rather than a few dozen clicks ), and being the lazy individual I am, I just renamed the main index page to z9_index.htm so that nobody would be ever be able to figure out what the old index page was, and so that nobody would be able access any of the other pages which are present on the server.  After all, nobody would be able to guess that all the files ( not the videos or a few subdirectories, but all of the data ) are actually in the subdirectory altcancer on the domain.  Accessing these files is NOT permitted by the public, is NOT available from a publically linked access point, is NOT authorized by anyone, and constitutes a breach of my server privacy and unauthorized use of my bandwidth, and it is going to make me VERY upset if anyone accesses them.
I would like to wait to see what strategy Alpha Omega Labs wants to go with before writing them-- and their website -- as completely "done with".
Best Regards,

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