
I wouldn't be too alarmed at the use of an alias.  I have many aliases I 
utilize in the world, and there are many legitimate and non-sinister reasons 
for doing so, including protecting other interests that may be in conflict with 
various projects...  Including protecting stock-holders interests, venture 
capital, etc...  It's not always an ominous sign.

I believe those with metaphysical training can tell alot about the man "James 
Carr" who calls himself a phytochemist, by looking at his picture, as founder 
of Lumen Foods Inc.:


Being a supporter of genetically altered food ( as an example ), is at odds 
with the ideologies that many carry in the natural medicine world.  It would 
not be wise nor prudent to mix apples with oranges, in this case.  Greg's 
stance on all issues he believes in is:  Authentic, passionate, well thought 
out, well documented, and above all sincere and intelligently executed.  Alpha 
Omega labs is unparalleled in their pursuit of information, knowledge, 
correspondance, and an extraordinary willingness to work with doctors... the 
list is endless.

I've had the privelege of corresponding with him at a very deep level on many 
occassions, topics ranging from advanced Tesla technology, standing wave and 
holoform technology, advanced cancer treatment, etc.  Which is excellent, as I 
have benefitted from his experience, thoughts, and intellegence...  Which is.. 
uncomfortable, since the federal goverment now has a copy of all private 
correspondance from his computer system!  Well, you know what they say:  You 
only live once.

I have no idea how they messed up their business so badly, thinking that a 
business based out of the Bahamas was going to insulate their operations in 
Louisiana.  If I would have known, I would have attempted ( possibly in vain? ) 
to convince them to fully insulate themselves, or comply with FDA and FTC 

However, the exact same thing can be said about several prominent manufacturers 
of colloidal silver products today.  HEED WELL:  The first warning letter to 
them that I found was, I believe in 1989.

It would be wise, especially now ( we issued a warning to our alt med 
associates about eight months ago ), for retail producers to remember the case 
of the US Federal Goverment against James Kimball ( DEDI ).

With Best Regards,


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jonathan B. Britten 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2003 5:03 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>RE: and orderiing

  I heard from the company this morning. The man I have corresponded with as 
James Carr has, the company tells me, is also known as Greg Caton. Why two 
names I do not know. Anyway, he is in jail and will not be released I am told. 

  The company has no products anywhere, the correspondent writes. 

  I think this is bad news. As for the need for two names for Carr/Caton, I 
have no idea about that and hope to find out more. I do not like the sound of 
that, frankly. All the same, I know that some of the products work very well, 
exactly as claimed. 

  On Thursday, Oct 2, 2003, at 00:54 Asia/Tokyo, Me wrote:

    I am unable to keep up with all the I think I may have messed 
up here. I just ordered some of their product last night due to my husband 
having skin and prostate cancer. Is there any chance I would receive it or 
should I just order it from the Bahama's. Any help would be appreciated. Love 
the list and it's discussion. As you can see I need a lot of help. Got yellow 
cs last time, and clear from the individual who made us our generator. Haven't 
gotten to the bottom of the problem. Am I to take the yellow or should it just 
be discarded. Thanks again, Norma

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