On Wed, 1 Oct 2003 18:51:42 -0700, "Jason Eaton" <ey...@cox.net>

>I've had the privelege of corresponding with him at a very deep level on many 
>occassions, topics ranging from advanced Tesla technology, standing wave and 
>holoform technology, advanced cancer treatment, etc.  Which is excellent, as I 
>have benefitted from his experience, thoughts, and intellegence...  Which is.. 
>uncomfortable, since the federal goverment now has a copy of all private 
>correspondance from his computer system!  Well, you know what they say:  You 
>only live once.

Wow, Greg Caton??

I've also had a bit of correspondence with him, mainly about soybeans
and how he processes them and the manufacturing problems he had (we
talked as well via radio -- we're both ham operators and we were into
setting up a "survival" radio network prior to 1/1/2000).

The Feds are really starting to get to me!

-- Dean -- from (almost) Des Moines -- KB0ZDF

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