Matthew writes:


I have reason to think that the bubbler method can produce a spurious Tyndall Effect. I would not use it anymore.

Matthew: -- What reason is that? I mean, what is it that
could make the TE false?  False as in misleading?  As in
not effective?

I ask because my first year and a half of homemade CS
(about 30 gallons) was made using a LVDC method, 3ma current
limiting, a simple aquarium air pump, silicone tubing, and
an air stone to produce a vigorous stream of air bubbles as
a stirring mechanism.  The filtered result was clear CS,
about 20PPM (calculated) and was stored in PET#1-rated
clear plastic mineral water bottles.  I've worn out 2 pocket
lasers using them hundreds of times to check the
characteristics of the TE as a 5 liter batch was used up.
The TE pattern and change was almost always the same:

DAY# 1 -- Medium TE, some sparkles, some particles.
DAY# 3 -- Medium TE, some particles.
DAY# 5 -- Medium TE only.
DAY#10 -- Slightly lighter TE than 'medium'.
DAY#15 -- Same as DAY#10.
DAY#20 -- Same as DAY#10.

The above CS was used for swishing and swallowing, brushing
teeth, nebulizing, nose drops, eye wash, mouthwash, ear
irrigation, hair dye, and as underarm deodorant. By 6 months
of use, my arthritis had gone and colds, flu, and cold sores
were *almost* non-existent. After a year of use, the latter
three perennial illnesses were also eradicated.

Six months ago I switched to stirring my brews with a 36RPM
clock motor and a stick and paddle. The method is still LVDC
but the current limiting is now 1ma. Still 20PPM too, but it
takes 30 hours to get there.  The only change in the TE
pattern from above has been that there are now fewer

Based on personal experience, I would absolutely recommend
using air-bubbling as a viable method of stirring when
making CS.

Jimmy Joe

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