The facts have been in for quite some time: buy stocks at the end of the
last lunar quarter, nearing the new moon and sell JUST BEFORE a full moon. I
know this from 2 years of personal Planetary-Financial research. It works
out to roughly 82% accuracy. Taken together with other respectable research
data, it can be almost foolproof. Most speculative decision-making is based
on the false presumption that all things  remain equal. All things NEVER
remain the same. If you want to win in the game, do your homework.
EVERYTHING is driven by various planetary positions and alignments. That
includes ALL financial markets....precious metals.....stocks. You name it.
If you want to be a successful investor and not a speculator, then do your
planetary homework. Give you a tip....there's a 7 and 28-day silver cycle
that's pretty accurate. It is the Lunar Cycle. The Moon "rules" silver. Do
some SERIOUS Lunar research and you will join the ranks of safe investors.
If you make money with this info ask me for my bank account number!

All the best,
Jan Stoeten, the Netherlands


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jonathan B. Britten" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 1:26 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Clifton Mining Co Stock

> Hello,
> I do not know anything about the companies cited below,  and I am
> impressed by the apparent knowledge of the person who advised purchases
> of the mining company.   I do not mean to impugn the author or the
> advice.   All the same,  I would suggest caution:  the "pump and dump"
> psychology of some unscrupulous penny stock manipulators is well known
> to seasoned investors.    Be cautious.   See
> Then do your homework before investing any money in anything.   I have
> seen this kind of thing before,  and decades ago almost  bought some
> "irresistable"  mining shares once,  until a cursory bit of homework
> suggested a pump and dump scam.
> See also  for advise about penny stocks in general.
> Very risky as a class.
> On Wednesday, Mar 3, 2004, at 20:53 Asia/Tokyo, Tornado wrote:
> >
> > Hi Garnet,
> >
> > This a very old rumor, I am a Clifton investor.
> >
> > Hi Bill,
> > Sorry to bug you two days in a row, especially after that loopy email
> > yesterday about atmospheric ionization and market manipulation, but
> > today's discussion du jour piece from RH, about the Army's procurement
> > of the silver socks, prompted me to share some health and investment
> > knowledge with you.
> >
> > I am in the nutriceutical industry. Our company evolved, over thirty
> > years, from a mom and pop to the largest manufacturer of vitamin C
> > products in the US. At a big international trade show, a couple of
> > years ago, our booth was across the aisle from American Biotech Labs.
> > They manufacture a fine colloidal silver product in Utah. I became
> > friends with one of their marketing reps and he told me about their
> > company. It is owned by a parent company in Utah called Clifton Mining
> > (CFTN). Their primary product is gold and silver. Their shares were
> > selling at about .30 at that time. He urged me to pick some up at that
> > price. There was big news about to break. I did, at .30. To make a
> > short story sat there for months, moving between .28
> > and .32. I finally became bored with it and sold it at .32. I then
> > took those proceeds and moved them to Samex and Golden Star (no
> > regrets there, thanks for the tip). Here comes the kicker; the very
> > next day Clifton begins to move up...the volume goes from 30 -40,000 a
> > day up to 500,000-1,000,000 a day. I wait a couple of days for it to
> > come back down and it doesn't. I call my friend at American Biotech
> > Labs and ask, wassup? He doesn't know, but expects it has something to
> > do with that long awaited announcement about the pending deal with the
> > military, but there has been no announcement yet. He calls contacts at
> > Clifton and they are puzzled too, but one of their techs looks at the
> > hits on their website and they are all coming from .gov and .mil. At
> > this point I jump back in at .53. It closed today at .80.
> >
> > A few weeks after my previous contact with my friend at ABL, he calls
> > and informs me that the long ongoing negotiations with the military
> > have resulted in a 3 million gallon order from the Army. This has
> > still not been announced. With silver closing like it did today, I
> > would seriously look at acquiring some Clifton. I think that it is
> > going to fly soon.
> >
> > I don't know if you know anything about colloidal silver, but if the
> > public was aware of its properties, the bottom would fall out of
> > pharmaceutical antibiotic sales, and therein lies the problem. You can
> > make an effective colloidal silver on your kitchen table with a glass
> > beaker of pure water, two pure silver wires and a battery. No profits
> > here for the pharmas, and whats worse, they lose out on all of those
> > antibiotic sales. There has been a suppression of silver knowledge for
> > years, by the pharmaceuticals, in collusion with the crooks at the
> > FDA. These guys are as bad, if not worse than the cartel. Pain and
> > suffering are their business and they have no great desire to
> > eradicate either. That would force them to get real jobs.
> >
> > Silver has the ability to kill just about anything microbial by simply
> > coming within proximity of it. Bacteria, fungus and even virus die
> > within minutes of proximity to silver. It apparently disrupts the
> > electrical life force that animates these creatures, resulting in
> > their hasty demise. Before refridgeration, dairy farmers all used
> > silver milk pails to stop the rampant growth of bacteria in fresh
> > milk. Ancient knowledge.
> >
> > American Biotech Labs has been conducting clinical/hospital human
> > testing in Ghana for the past four or five years. The doctors there
> > have been amazed at its ability to halt infections of all types, from
> > malaria to AIDS. It can be used internally, by simply drinking. It is
> > used topically as a spray or as drops or even as a douche for vaginal
> > infections. The EPA tested the patented formula on anthrax and
> > smallpox and killed all specimens within six minutes.
> >
> > I have been drinking a couple of teaspoons of ASAP (one of the labels
> > that it is marketed under) at the first sign of anything resembling
> > the onset of illness, and have not had so much as a cold in the last
> > two years. After a day of flying in a cramped, stale air environment
> > of a commercial airliner, I shower and spray it into my eyes, and
> > inhale the mist from an atomizer deep into my lungs. I just don't get
> > sick anymore....and you can spray it into stinky old sneakers, and the
> > odor disappears. This is why the Army ordered the socks. Soldiers
> > incapicitated with fungal infections on the feet will not take the
> > high ground. The EPA has just certified the ABL silver for the
> > sterilization of surgical theaters.
> >
> > Stock and company information can be found at
> >
> > Keep up the great work. The subscription fee for my Le Metropole Cafe
> > membership was the best money I ever spent...that and a case of ABL
> > colloidal silver. If you're going to be wealthy and wise, you might as
> > well be healthy too, eh?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >  However there is serious interest from the US army for the ASAP
> > products.
> > Clifton owns 25 % of ABL . Clifton is sitting on propably one of the
> > biggest silver supplies in de the US.
> > A few more meeting points to think about. Ken Friedman told me that he
> > was down in Panama for a request to help them rewrite the mining laws
> > and somehow came across this property and after seeing what in
> > contained he was able to obtain it for a dirt cheap price. He said
> > should it have only 10% of what it appears to contain it will bring
> > CFTN shareholders a 100 to 1 return. A real no brainer!!!! At the
> > meeting it was also brought up to nominate any outside chairman who
> > was not previously up for vote since there was no one, it was
> > closed.The shares and options were approved by a huge margin like 32
> > million to 685 thousand They told us they don't plan on useing either
> > unless it is for a concrete legitimate reason to grow the company or
> > acquire property Etc. My feeling is they wanted it approved so it will
> > give them tremendous flexability in the future to quickly manouver and
> > move without having to wait until the next meeting which appears will
> > be yearly in April in the future. I have alot of confidence in William
> > and Ken. William has been working on getting the property for 20
> > years. This has been his baby up to this point and he wants to see it
> > through. They started ABL when the pm prices were so low because they
> > felt at the time it was the best way to leverage the money to get to a
> > growing point when the climate changed and he could aquire more
> > claims. Good concerns and questions guys just keep it positve and
> > don't make unfounded claims about management padding their own pockets
> > when you didn't even turn up at the meeting to ask questions or call
> > them. Look for 6+ by the end of the year. This is a healthy
> > consolidation in the stock now it will prove up to the claims and
> > contracts in the coming months.Patience is a virtue that will make us
> > $ on this stock!!!
> >
> > recent info:
> > Clifton Signs Agreement
> > Tuesday March 2, 7:00 am ET
> >
> >
> > ALPINE, UT, March 2 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - Clifton Mining Company
> > (Clifton)(OTC:CFTN - News)
> >
> >
> > Clifton Mining has just signed an agreement with Minera Trinidad S.A.
> > to purchase the Capira project in Panama. This is a large epithermal
> > system whose principal vein has been traced for more than four
> > kilometers (2 1/2 miles). The southern part of the vein has an average
> > width of more than 5 meters (16 feet) and an average grade of more
> > than 7 grams per ton (0.22 ounces per ton). Capira was last mined in
> > the 1940s when, because of relatively high grades and excellent mining
> > widths, it was the only active precious metals mine in Panama.
> >
> > Presently, there are more than 100,000 ounces of proven and probable
> > resource. But the surface has barely been scratched, and the current
> > resource represents a small fraction of the potential in just the
> > principal vein.
> >
> > The infrastructure is ideal. The project is within walking distance of
> > the Pan American Highway about one hour west of Panama City. It is
> > within 100 yards of a 215 kilovolt power line. We believe it could be
> > placed back into production in two to three years.
> >
> > Panama is a major financial center and an effective modern democracy.
> > The present mining code is reasonable, comparable with its North
> > American counterparts. And the government is currently revising the
> > mining law with the expressed intent of making it even more attractive
> > to responsible mining. Our input has been sought in this regard.
> >
> > Clifton is looking to find a joint venture partner for the project,
> > and has already received expressions of interest by three different
> > parties.
> >
> >
> >
> > Clifton Mining Company - New Human Study Data Released
> > Friday February 27, 7:00 am ET
> >
> >
> > ALPINE, UT, Feb. 27 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ - Clifton Mining Company
> > (Clifton)(OTC:CFTN - News) American Biotech Labs (a private company in
> > which Clifton, the largest shareholder is releasing new human study
> > data on use of the ASAP Solution in west African hospitals, against a
> > number of human ailments including malaria and a viral infections.
> >
> >
> > New Human Studies
> >
> > American Biotech Labs (ABL) has been working in conjunction with four
> > hospitals in West Africa that have been conducting human studies of
> > the ASAP product as a antibiotic alternative against human ailments
> > like malaria, fungal infections, ear infections, measles, septic
> > ulcers and a number of serious viral problems. This is the second set
> > of human studies released by the west African hospitals. The new
> > studies found the product effective against all the above ailments. In
> > conjunction with the human studies, the country of Ghana has approved
> > the ASAP supplement product as a homeopathic drug.
> >
> > Malaria
> >
> > The past ASAP human malarial studies found the product effective in
> > all of the cases averaging only five days of treatment to full
> > recovery. This new study has taken the testing to a new level checking
> > the blood of patients deemed fully recovered to see if any signs of
> > the parasites remain in the bloodstream. According to the data in the
> > studies, the patients showed absolutely no malarial protozoans left in
> > the bloodstream. Over 900 million people are estimated to have this
> > disease, many in poor countries. Said Keith Moeller, VP, "Evidence is
> > steadily mounting that we may be able to help millions of people who
> > are suffering from this disease. It is also exciting to see the first
> > human studies in which the product is being used as a treatment for
> > people who suffer from serious viral infections." Testing of the ASAP
> > product continues in the African hospitals, as well as in numerous
> > other facilities worldwide.
> >
> > Copies Of The Study
> >
> > Copies of the second set of the human studies will be released today
> > and will be made available upon request.
> >
> > Clifton trades on the U.S. OTC: (CFTN).
> >
> > 04:22 03-03-2004 -0600, you wrote:
> >
> >
> >> Does anyone have verifiable information on the report that the
> >> military
> >> has purchased 3 million gallons of CS from these folks?
> >>
> >> They seem to be pumping their stock based (parent company, Clifton
> >> Mining is publicly traded) on this rumor and the results of the
> >> African
> >> Study recently released, which I also have not seen verified.
> >>
> >> Anyone looking into buying their stock should be very cautious at this
> >> point. Unitl there is verifiable information.
> >>
> >> Should we follow the money....?
> >>
> >> Garnet
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
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> >
> >
> >
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> > List maintainer: Mike Devour <>
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