Thanks Terry for some of your usual excellent wisdom & insight!
Richard Harris, 56 yr FL Pharmacist

-----Original Message-----
From: Terry Chamberlin []
Sent: Friday, April 16, 2004 10:22 PM
Subject: CS>Good and bad bugs

There are no good or bad bugs, only organisms that are
in locations we find inconvenient. We consider candida
and e-coli to be bad bugs, but if we didn't have them
in our colon, we would not do well. Good in the colon,
bad in the blood stream.

Every morning I drink 8-10 oz of CS (use it to make
coffee or herbal tea). I will usually have one or two
more big mugs during the rest of the day. I have good
digestion, actually better than before I started
drinking CS (though that isn't necessarily why).

When I drink a cup of something, my body doesn't
digest it, it absorbs it through the stomach lining. 

The fact that there are very few reports of distinct
success using CS to fight candida indicates to me that
the CS never makes it far enough to kill the candida
(which is in the colon). Of course, the "good" bugs
reside mostly in the small intestine, but mine seem to
be doing fine.

The claims that CS makes a distinction between one
kind of bug that we don't happen to like and favors
other kinds that we find convenient seems to me a bit
specious, and I have seen no science to support such

Terry Chamberlin

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