Hi night owl.  It's midnight here on the west coast and the London FOREX
market has just open on my other computer so I'm a bit all over the place
thus the couple of responses.

I believe that we bring everything to us that we want to learn from.  From
that perspective, even if it is an accident, mould, or scratches, I would
say it's from within for us to read what we are trying to show ourselves
about our next step in awareness.

Depends on the perspective.  Each is right, but which way do you want to go?
When the boil comes from without, then you may need a pharma product to

When the boil comes from with - Actually, during the years I was getting the
boils when working for IBM, I lived a clean life. - what got under your skin
that you had to have a stiff neck about while working there?  That might
give additional insights.  It takes the responsibility back home.

Yep, it could be those nasty buggies that got in a crack in the skin, but
when we are 'healthy' they don't get us.  We have to have opened a doorway
somewhere in our consciousness.

Blackberry bushes - yikes.  If you permit I'll contact you off line with a
'goodie' exercise that might quickly assist those scratches healing without


From: Wayne Fugitt <cwfug...@earthlink.net>

Morning Christine,

Obviously anything that assist cleansing internally will help.

 This would make the body respond quicker with more artillery to take out
the invader?

Relative to the question, does the problem originate from without or from
within?  In most cases, the problem comes from within.

I thought the boil bug came from without.    I have read that a bacteria
cannot penetrate a healthy cell.
Cells have to be weak or injured for a bacteria to take up residence.

There has not been a lot written to this effect in recent years.  If so, I
have not seen it.

I sure injured a lot of cells this week end.  Bush hogging thru blackberry
bushes 8 feet tall  does draw blood frequently.  One should wear a heavy
leather jacket instead of no shirt at all as I was doing.

I have been infected by heavy briars while hiking.  I felt that some animal
had left bacteria on the briars, then when I was scratched by the same
briars, I was infected.   This can create a boil like effect and can take a
week or ten days to heal.

 Could have simply been a time of 'junk in - junk out' - like parties and
drinking, whatever is their pleasure - if you ever did that. ***grin***

  If you had said,  "Partying OR Drinking", I could have said,  "I did it
all the time".
Actually, during the years I was getting the boils when working for IBM, I
lived a clean life.

Everything considered, this was the cleanest job I ever had and the only one
were I got boil infections from working.

In more recent years, I have even worked in sewage lift stations.  I never
got any infections from those areas.

Maybe the odor killed the bacteria, or they simply left.

Don't we know, we will never figure out all this.
