Hi Dr. Kenny,

Thank you for your good contributions you add to this wonderful Site for "us

As a FL Pharmacist for 57 years, I became interested in DMSO as soon as I
became aware of it. In Pat McGrady, Sr.'s book, " The Persecuted Drug: The
Story of DMSO ", the Index lists Blindness and DMSO, 137, 139, 141. It told
about a group of boys in 1916 built a fire using a handful of dynamite
caps--they waited for the explosion and when it didn't follow, they directed
Nate to go examine the fire--as he bent over the fire, the explosion
occurred tearing one eye from the socket and blinding the other eye. He had
to drop out of school, bought & operated a filling station & survived. One
day, he heard that a customer was a Dr. experimenting with some magic stuff,
DMSO. Nate asked Dr. Jacob if he thought DMSO might help restore sight to
his blind eye. Dr. Jacob told him to bring a complete report from his eye
doctor to Jacob's Lab. Nate never regained sight, but felt pains behind his
eye, encouraging Dr. Jacob to continue experimenting on sight restoration.
On page 141, another patient with one blind eye upon being treated, did have
sight restored to the blind eye, although the other eye failed to be
affected by DMSO treatment.

I read somewhere about a rabbit going blind from DMSO, but have NOT come
across a human losing sight from DMSO--nor was that mentioned in this book.

I truly believe DMSO and CS to truly be Gifts from God and use and recommend
their uses to any who will listen. I have never heard of either to cause
death, and know of NO other things that are so safe. I remind everyone that
use of these things are truly experimental, but if tried cautiously can
possibly bring about many seemingly miraculous results. In an attempt to
protect We, the American People, our FDA has effectively double-crossed us
and prevented us from receiving inexpensive medical relief in many
instances; while most of the rest of the world can use and benefit from

Richard Harris, 56 Year FL Pharmacist
448 West Juniata Street
Clermont, FL 34711

-----Original Message-----
From: David W Kenney [mailto:drd...@mindspring.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 10:19 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: CS>Oxy Life Oxygen

When DMSO first became popular years ago...as a local treatment for
arthritis...they did some preliminary studies...and one person went blind.
I haven't heard that anyone repeated these studies to find out whether that
person was going blind anyway or whether it was caused by the DMSO.

DMSO is primarily a carrier...meaning that whatever you mix into it is
carried into the body.  CS + DMSO on the skin means more actually gets
systemic than just CS.  If you mix anything that is at all nephrotoxic
(kidney)...it will reach the kidneys in higher concentration than it would
otherwise.   Where it is used as a solvent and people were putting their
hands and arms in the solutions every day I never heard of reports of kidney
damage due to DMSO itself.  This doesn't mean it does not happen...only that
I keep my eye peeled for nephrotoxicity (I have only one) and haven't come
across it.

Dr. Kenney

There has been alot of discussion about mixing
colloidal silver and dmso together. I was wondering if
anyone had ever heard of a product called Oxy life put
out by Dr. Dosbach? It has aloe,oxygen and colloidal
silver. It sounds like a pretty good product. Also has
anyone heard of a product called cell food? someone
mentioned that using 99% dmso was unsafe for the
kidneys. Should this be diluted?

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