Garnet wrote:

> I am not convinced that ionic silver forms silver chloride in the
> stomach. For one thing HCl, stomach acid, is only relesed when eating,
> its purpose is to provide the optimum acid pHh for the stomach enzymes
> to work on. But if there is no food there or digestion going on there is
> no HCl secretion.

I believe thre is always some HCL in the stomach at all times. It may peak after
eating, but I believe there is always some there. I have burped on an empty
stomach before and definitely gotten acid up.

> Since no one has done in vivo studies of the stomach environment when CS
> is added and actually measured / detected silver chloride I do not buy
> this theory out of hand. Besides why is my home made CS so effecitve
> were this to be true.

Forming AgCl should not cause EIS to be non-effective for several reasons.
First you still have the 10% to 20% particle which should not be affected by
HCL. Second, the following sequency most likely occurs with ionic silver in the

Ag + Cl -> AgCl
AgCl has about a .8 ppm or so solubility, so an ounce of 5 ppm EIS with 4 ppm of
ionic silver will form AgCl which will totally dissolve if there is more than 5
ounces of liquid in the stomach.
AgCl will then transport to the blood stream where it reacts with ammonia
producing Fulminating Silver.
Fulminating Silver reacts with the glucose reducing to metalic silver (See
Tollen's reagent for information on this)
If there are silver particles in the blood (that is if you took EIS), then the
silver plates out on the silver particles that are already there causing them to
grow slightly (about 50% in diameter if all the ionic ends up depositing on the
particles of 80% ionic EIS), so the final result should be virtually 100%
colloidal silver in the blood, with virtually no silver compounds.

If however you take silver chloride (or another silver compound such as silver
nitrate) alone, then when it reaches the blood stream, the initial particles of
silver that form will be in exposed areas of the skin.  As the fulminating
silver is formed, it will then plate out on the small quantity of silver
particles near the surface of the skin, causing them to grow quickly, and quite
large. The result is argyria.

> As well why is my mostly ionic CS so effective in food poisoning if this
> is so. There is more to an in vivo chemical reaction than merely
> extrapolating from in vitro studies. Way more, other wise we would not
> ever have to use live animal models for any studies.

Once again, the 10 to 20% particle is sufficient to be quite effective on food
poisoning, and Silver Chloride, although not nearly as effective, is also
effective as well.  If you have food poisoning, then there is no doubt that
there will be a large quantity of HCl in the stomach.

> Last month I got sick on some spoiled lamb steaks, before the end of the
> meal I had to rush to the bathroom, almost passed out several times from
> the cramping. I told my husband to take some CS NOW so he would not get
> sick, he got only mild gas. I drank a cup of CS as soon as I could and
> my food poisoning passed quickly, but not before leaving me in a curled
> up sweated heap on the oh so cool bathroom floor. It took me a few
> minutes to get up, after cramping that hard, so hard I had to have my
> husband hold me up so I could remain seated on the toilet. Not a pretty
> story but if CS turns into silver chloride when food is in the stomach
> WHY did it work for my husband?

CS does not turn into silver chloride, the colloidal part is untouched. Only the
ionic portion of EIS turns into silver chloride.

> Too many questions and way too many assumptions being made about what
> those ions actually do in the body.

Chemical reactions will proceed the same way whether in the body or a test tube.
How ionic silver reacts with HCl, ammonia and glucose is well known and
supported by much research.  However, since the contents of the stomach and
blood is a witches brew of stuff other reacts could be taking place as well.
Thing is, either the reactions I propose above will take place, or more
favorable ones will take place.  We do know that the final result of taking
silver chloride is precipitation of silver metal onto any silver particles
present since it will cause argyria, so even if the path is different than I
think it is, the end result is the same.


> Garnet
> On Fri, 2004-10-29 at 09:26, Dr. David W. Kenney wrote:
> >  silver would form silver chloride in the stomach
> > almost instantly...and little if any...would get into the system.
> > Just make a solution of salt and water...and pour it into a sample of your
> > CS...if there is lots of ionic will get a white precipitate
> > almost instantly...
> > Dr. Kenney
> >
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