Hi everybody, I just re-subscribed to the list (been gone for over a year I think), and wanted to say hi, so... Hello! Anyhow, I have a quick question that hopefully somebody can help me out with (Maybe Dr. Kenney?)...

Quoting the book "Noble Metals and Biological Systems"...

"There are numerous literature references to its abundances in ashed organs of rats, dogs and cattle, where concentrations range from 1 to 10 ug/g. Abundances as high as 50 ug/g have been detected in livers. Bell (Bell, P.H., Quantitive spectrographic estimation of trace elements in biological ash, Ind. Eng. Chem., 10, 579, 1938) found 4 and 1 ug/g silver, respectively, in the ash of yolks and whites of eggs, and there are various references to its presence in the ash of cow's milk and animal feces. In human beings there have been several investigations concerning the abundance of this element in blood, liver, thyroid, heart, spleen, kidney, brain, hair, skin and teeth. The level of silver in ashed human organs is in the range of 0.25 to 10.0 ug/g. Sheldon (Sheldon, J.H., The mineral basis of life, Brit. Med. J., 1, 47, 1934) has found that silver is concentrated in thyroid glands and in tonsils. Urinary calculi have been found to contain 3 to 150 ug/g silver."

I guess what I'm having a hard time with is this... If we already have this much silver in us, why do we get sick at all if in fact it's the silver by itself that kills pathogens, and not the ionic silver?

Curiously yours,

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