John writes:
> I would like to know what the silver OFFTOPIC list is.

Excellent question, John. Thank you for asking it.

Ahh, yes! It's time to dust off that little footer that's tacked on at 
the bottom of all of these messages from the list. Look waaaayyy down 
at the end of this message! See! There it is!

First off, it gives you my e-mail address, for anytime people need to 
reach me about subscription issues, list behavior problems, or anything 
at all that you'd prefer to handle privately.

It also gives the URL of the Silver List web site,, 
where you'll find pretty thorough instructions for all of this, plus 
list rules and etiquette guidelines.

It reminds you of the address to send list messages to, and gives the 
web site URL for the Silver List Archives, so you can mine the brain 
trust all the way back to 1997 or so... 

Then, there's a couple of links for our Off Topic List. That list is 
closely linked to this one, in that every one of you *already* has 
posting priveleges to it without doing anything more complicated than 
addressing your message to the address given.  

The OT List archive web site is also there, so folks can jump to it 
quickly to read the occasional thread without having to be subscribed 
and getting the OT List in e-mail.

If you *do* want it in e-mail, there's instructions for subscribing at 
the Silver List web site, once you click on the Off Topic List link on 
the left side of the home page.

Now, with a little bit of exploration, you'll have a good picture of 
all the features and facilities of this wonderful, though archaic 
mailing list system. <grin>

As always, feel free to ask your questions, either of me or the list.

Hope that helps.

Be well,

Mike Devour
da list owner guy

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:
Silver List archive:

Address Off-Topic messages to:
OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour <>