Question: isn't Kefir white? I tried some recently, thinking I was purchasing yogurt drink. It was similar to yogurt drink but much more acidic. (I liked it very much). I do not mean to pick nits, but if Kefir is a white food, then your first prohibition needs modification. Kindly clarify.

On Monday, Feb 14, 2005, at 07:31 Asia/Tokyo, Himagain wrote:

There is a vast amount of literature out there on the subject, but essentially, in knowing nearly a thousand successful "terminal" Cancer patients, it was found necessary to consider certain things as dangerous as Spitting Cobras:
Anything white.  Sugar, flour, milk, bread, etc.
Anything "fast", or long storage capable.
Actually, if it is canned, packaged, frozen, "improved" you should avoid it. The idea is to go back to the diet of your great grandparents ( so long as they weren't rich) and prepare everything at home that is possible.
Three vital ingredients to survive today's depleted earth:
1. Sprouted seeds. ( Organic ones not sprouted with chlorinated/fluoridated water!) 2. Home-made unleavened (flat) bread. Spelt flour by choice. Not as corrupt.
3.  Kefir. ( Like Buttermilk)

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