Hello Betty,
    I am so distressed to hear that Cathy is No better.  I do hope she is still 
taking the CS.  I am so certain that it is helping some.  MS is a 
virus.......I've attached a link  to mycoplasma.  
http://mindcontrolforums.com/mycoplamsa.htm  Mycoplasma is misspelled, but this 
is correct site.

Silver kills virsus.  I can send a copy of some of the healing crisis I went 
through.  There were times that I thought I was getting worse, but that would 
be the times I would drink more CS.  But the healing crisis would pass and 
eventually something would be better....If you send me your email address, I 
will send you a sheet describing some of my "healing crisis" episodes.  You 
stated that she is worse.  Is she still on the CS?  I did change and try a 
different brand of CS for about 4 months.  I was told it was "wonderful".  
Well, it turned out that it was truly awful and had practicly NO silver in it.  
By the end of the four months I had regressed a great deal.  It took me over 5 
years to improve about 85% from my MS, and it took me four months to go back to 
having a hard time walking again.  It was very scarey.  Certainly nothing I 
will ever do again.  I have been recovering again for the last two months, and 
I am almost back to where I was.  But I believe you and Cathy are looking for 
somethng that will never happen.  It took me five years to get 85% better.  I 
am sure there is some permanent damage, so I will never be 100%.....But 
compared to what my life was like, it is a drastic improvement.  
    You are correct, there is more to MS, so other suppliments and a good diet 
are importat to repair what was damaged, but first and foremost you must kill 
the cause which is mycoplasma.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: betty shelly 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Sunday, February 13, 2005 9:06 AM
  Subject: CS>CS-MS

  I have been a member of this list for over a year due to a very good friend 
who makes CS and shared it with me.  I agree it works but have found it can 
only heal what it can come in contact with in the body.  My enthusiasm for CS 
was in its application for MS for my daughter.  I bought one of the Silvergen 
products and began making CS.  After trying it for several things, I 
recommended it to my daughter who also bought the same generator making CS at 
20 ppm.  She started out at 2 oz per day and increased it to a gallon a day at 
times, always mixing it with hydrogen peroxide, as the gatorade had too much 
sugar at those doses.  She had a couple of herx reactions followed by a couple 
of days of feeling better, then the MS always returned.  She never actually 
improved but has continued to get worse.  I'm sure you all know Nancy on this 
list who has cured herself with CS.  She was in contact with my daughter over 
the past year and recommended she try the Sovereign Silver, which she did to no 
avail.  This list has some of the most intelligent and helpful people I have 
ever come in contact with, and I don't want to discourage anyone with MS from 
trying CS, but if any of you can give me suggestions as to why it failed with 
my daughter, I would be open to hear it.  MS has multiple causes and affects 
everyone differently.  Some of the most effective treatments are not allowed in 
the US because of the FDA, but don't want to get off topic here.  Thanks for 
listening.....Cathy's Mom