Taking into consideration the feedback I'd received on my first batch, tonight I brewed 8 oz for one hour using thermal stirring. About 25-30 min in I had heavy bearding and had to clean the rods, though the mixture was still crystal clear. After that, I walked away from it for the remainder of the time. I returned at 60 min brew time to a horrid dark mess with double the bearding I'd had before. Now, several hours later I see there is a lot of sediment at the bottom of the jar- I'm assuming this is the bearding "fuzz" that was broken off by the stirring.

Is this normal? Should I have taken it off the light at some point, rather than heating the whole time? Is this batch safe? If so, will it be effective? What can I do to produce a better batch next time?

Thanks for letting me bask in your wisdom, guys!
