Ode Coyote wrote:

You are enjoying the severe limitations of a totally uncontrolled generator running away.
They do 'work' but you have to "work" them.

Raine: I'm beginning to learn that, yes. It's the "working them" that I need help with.

There is no way at all to predict PPM using time without a starting point.
A very minor difference in the water makes a major difference in time.
A single water spot on the glass dissolving those minerals in can modify the water significantly and it's odd that any two batches of store bought water will be the same or and one batch stay the same after being stored for a few days. [carbon dioxide has an effect]

Get a "good" generator.
Or modify yours with the addition of a potentiometer and ammeter , get a PPM/TDS or uS meter and watch yours like a hawk.

Raine: Financially, I am very limited at this time. I bought this cheapie unit because we are all, humans and animals, using CS on a daily basis, but I have no extra funds for a "good" generator, or any sort of meter at this time. Basically I need to draw upon others experiences to make the best I can with what I have.

A means of constant stirring will help even the most primative generators functionality.

Raine: That was my thought with the thermal stirring. However, it just seemed to speed the process up more than I'd expected.
