Thank so much, V. It's good to know that others have this fuzz issue.

How long do you brew?


V wrote:

Hi Raine,

Yes that is normal. I clean my rods more often than that. they bulid up fuzz 
faster as the concentration goes up. Agter several hours you cant clean them 
fast enough nad then I stop the precess, it makse me very strang CS that is 
totally clear. and lasts a long time in the cupboard, it never turns grey or 
golden. I jsut use two 99.999 siver rods of 12 gauge and have it connected to a 
30 volt DC wall wart, and I bubble air through the water while it going. I have 
made it as high as 53 ppm measured with a Hanna TDS meter, mostly though it 
comes out between 25 and 30 ppm. I make it in a 32 Oz jar also. using Kmart 
distilled water that measures 1 PPM when I start.

the bubbling provides stirring so that the concentration aronud the electrodes 
remains even with the surronuding water all the time. I imagine tha has a 
simialar effect on the process, as a constant current device, by not letting 
too much conduction happen in the immediate area of the electrodes. thats my 
theory about it anyway.

Take care,