I believe that one need not be rich or expensively educated to discover important things. If you spend some time studying those things that interest you, you may have a breakthrough.

Note that the creator of the periodic table of the elements, for example, was "just" a high school chemistry teacher. The great Faraday started as a "mere" bookbinder. You and all the rest of us may be capable of far, far more than we imagine.

On Saturday, Aug 6, 2005, at 07:04 Asia/Tokyo, Ken & Nancy Bagwell wrote:

Sometimes I wish I were rich and well educated, so
that I could spend my time conducting studies on these
things and find out the truth for myself. It seems you
can only really know for sure when you have money to
try things out and knowledge to really know what's BS
or not.  I'm just not in that category.

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