Robert Berger wrote:

> Hi Cari, The "blue man" is a US Representative that made his home brew
> EIS (aka CS) using Montana well water. Most farm wells are
> contaminated with fram fertilizer, which has a high level of nitrates.
> So what he was making was silver nitrate, which will turn one blue.
> That is odd, previously you were claiming that you had never read that
> ionic forms of silver such as silver nitrate could cause argyria, now
> you are giving an example of it happening.
>  That is why it is recommended to use the best grade of distilled
> water available.
> I agree.  However Stan being blue in that phoe has more to do with
> photoshop than his taking this witchs brew of silver compounds.  I
> have seen the original unretouched photo of him, and he is no more
> blue than anyone else. Associate Press doctored the photo, either
> because they thought it would make a better story, or they got paid to
> do so by pharm interests.  He is slightly ashen colored though.
> Marshall
>   Too many thousands of home brews are around that can testify that
> there is no problem. Just make it with the proper materials. "Ole Bob"