cari smith wrote:

> Thanks..see they don't give all the info...on another list a dr. said
> that bacteria and viruses are mutating form silver too so the hype is
> a hoax....quote...

That's funny.  For years they have been saying that silver does not kill
bacteria and viruses, so if that were true why would they mutate?  I
have my doubts about this because tests on the few bacteria that have
been found to be silver tolerant (found around silver mines), have found
that they lose their tolerance very quickly when the silver is removed
from their environment.  Apparently the mechanism of silver tolerance is
very energy intensive, and if they don't need it lose out to those that
do not have the tolerance after a few generations.  So even if they did
form tolerance, it most likely would not last once the silver is
removed, they revert back to non tolerant variety.


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