A quick book report: yes, it is a worthwhile read, with excellent references. A few key points:

The doctor is very enthusiastic about the benefits of IV H202; he clearly hedges his bets about oral use. If one uses ingests the stuff at all -- he pointedly makes no recommendation about this -- it should be on an empty stomach. He does cite cases of users who have benefited from oral ingestion, but mentions various risks, including the one that concerned me: free-radical formation and resultant oxidative damage. This is most likely if food is in the stomach.

I note that the Beck protocol recommends ingested "ozonated water," which I understand to be water infused with O3, which then becomes H2O2. If there is any difference between ingesting "ozonated water" and ordinary store-bought H202, I would be eager to learn more. Thus far I understand that these are identical.

The author emphatically endorses the use of H202 for dental use.

I intend to reread the book when time permits.

Thanks again.

On Friday, Dec 23, 2005, at 22:37 Asia/Tokyo, Stuff wrote:

You're welcome.

I think that book should be on everyone's bookshelf..er, hard-drive.

It'll more than likely come in handy someday.


At 11:05 PM 12/22/2005, Jonathan wrote:

My goodness:  a 173 page book, free with one mouse-click!

Thanks for that.

I notice that in the first chapter the doctor addresses my long-standing question about the conflict between H202 therapy and the free-radical theory of aging and cellular damage. That alone suggests this is a worthwhile read.

Much obliged!

On Friday, Dec 23, 2005, at 10:49 Asia/Tokyo, Stuff wrote:

At 11:15 AM 12/22/2005, Kallie wrote to Pete:

Check this out, Pete.



Have you looked into and can afford intravenous Hydrogen peroxide for your emphysema and cancer?

For more information, do a google search on "intravenous hydrogen peroxide"

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