So, Dan, 
  You support the "hole flow' theory of current flow as opposed to the electron 
flow in which the negative pole releases the electrons for current flow?
  Does the positive charge 'suck' the molecules off of the positive element or 
does the negatively charged current 'knock' them off of the positive electrode?

  I'm really interested in finding out just how this works.  Is there a 
knowledgable individual out there who really knows?
  Bill Keen
Dan Nave <> wrote:
  Perhaps "Ole Bob" will answer this but in the meantime I'll chime in 
with what I've learned here...

The metals will come off the positive electrode (anode) which, in this 
case, is the silver one. The brass is the negative electrode so it is 
not going to be releasing metal ions or particles into the water. With 
this DC system we should get the good quality "colloidal silver" that we
