  If I could nail that one down I'd be a physicist instead of a handyman with a 
long electronics background.

V <vzo...@yahoo.com> wrote:
  Hi Bill,

He He he. well you may pursue that questions the rest fo your life becaues I 
dont think anybody knows the answers to those queshtions to this day. Even the 
scientists that are studying it all have not come to any conclusino on that. I 
think in a wire the electrons move but in a liquid then bothe the holes nad the 
electrons move. and what are electrons anyway? are they particles or waves or 
jsut cloauds of some energy or an etheric vortex or an interference pattern of 
the nuclear radiation wave fronts. If you can nail that one down then your 
doing good.

Take care,

> So, Dan, 
> You support the "hole flow' theory of current flow as opposed to the
> electron flow in which the negative pole releases the electrons for current 
> flow?
> Does the positive charge 'suck' the molecules off of the positive
> element or does the negatively charged current 'knock' them off of the 
> positive electrode?

> I'm really interested in finding out just how this works. Is there a
> knowledgable individual out there who really knows?
> Bill Keen