Hey V- I thought you were an Old Fart HAHA! But you don't have much on me-
I'm 51 and every morning now I lust at the thoughts of what I will learn
today. I'm going to see "Dr. Bill" today- you know who I'm talking about-
about building the "Energy Pulser". I can't wait!

Marshalee- Don't Give Up! I could bore you to tears with the troubles I've
seen and I've sure been where you are. But now I don't fear death, I just
love seeing what's going to happen next. I don't think I've said too much
here, but we are dealing with Lyme disease in our youngest daughter. It was
quite a blow!!! But now it's caused me to take trips up little roads to find
wonders and treasures I never thought of.

An allegory- Here in the middle of NC, there is a region where lots of folks
make their living as potters, with their shops in their homes or on the same
property. You can literally drive up an unmarked driveway, rutted and worn,
and come up to a wonderful charming old house or barn filled with some of
the most beautiful works of art, and meet some of the most real people
you've ever met. Our new battle with Lyme disease is taking me to meet new
people and see new things the likes of which are boggling my mind. I go up a
narrow path and find wonders at the end of it. Maybe you should start
looking at life that way? It's really not my business, just my $.02.


V wrote:

Hi Marshalee,

you must have a rough life I wolud like to live hundreds of years or more.
Seems I am jsut gettnig started and learning what I like and dont like so
now its time to start living, Im at 52 loL, Im still learnig but it seems
the first half of centurey was jsut an education for me, now to apply it in
the second half of the century and beyond. All you got to do is survive
another 20 years and they may solve the death problem. Man was designed to
live about 150 years as he is right now. the reason peopel die sooner and
suffer is due to ignorance of how to take care of them seleves mentally ,
emationally and phyiscaly

>   Gad I hope I DON`T live that long. 
>   After all I`ve been through I have come to the conclusion that this
world stinks.
>   And, why are people so afraid to leave?? It is much better on the other
>   I`m ready to go now, at 53.
>   Marshalee

>   p.s. why die at ninety if you can die at 120?

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