Be aware that if you have any artificial non-gold tooth surfaces that they
have been colored to match your teeth color at the time they were installed.


If you whiten your natural enamel teeth too much, your restorations will
appear darker and a different color. 




-----Original Message-----
From: Deborah Gerard [] 
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2006 9:29 AM
Subject: Re: CS>toothpaste and EIS


I use the h202 also V and my teeth are REALLY white , what is it that is in
some of these teeth whitener toothpaste that whiten's teeth? is it similar
to h202? blessing's ..debbie

V <> wrote: 

Hi Shelli,

You might try a different soap, like ivory or somethnig without a lot of
perfumes and chemicals in it. Not glycerin soap either.

I use the actually use the himalyan rock crystal salt and also the REAL salt

for teh salt you make up a brine which has all the salt tha you can dissolev
into the water. then I put the last water in the mouth and pop in the
toothbrush after it and go. Same with the hydrogen peroxide jsut put some in
the mouth and brush. loose lips helps :-)

I have done baknig soda, not Vit C.
you can al! so make up your own toothpowders with baknig soda and some herbs

Take care,

> Ok, thanks V. I just tried soap yesterday for the first time and at first
> thought "this isn't so bad", meaning the taste. But then, I could taste it

> for the rest of the day and it was actually making me a nauseas. I'm not 
> usually wimping about stuff but yuck! I've been using a coconut oil 
> concoction from Tropical Traditions. It took a little getting used to at 
> first but it's fine now and regular toothpaste seems soooo strong now.
> kind of sea salt do you use? I have some celtic sea salt but the grains
> fairly large, if I remember right. It's been awhile since I've had it out.

> Also, when you use h2o2 how do you go about it? Have you done the vit 
> C/baking soda thing?
> Thanks again,
> Shelli

> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "V" 
> To:! "Shelli" 
> Sent: Saturday, January 21, 2006 11:05 PM
Subject: Re: CS>>toothpaste and EIS

>> Hi Shelli,

>> I have the book somewhere but its basically whats on teh website there
>> severl pages on the website if you search for the links near the bottom.
>> I have stopped using tothpaste for a long time. I use sea salt water or 
>> H2o2 mostly and sometimes soap.

>> Take care,
>> V 

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