Hi everyone:

My CS production seems to be going very well, thanks to all who provided a helping hand. However, now, I have a question about water. In all the sources I have checked about the kind of water to be used for CS, they recommend distilled water. A friend of mine was asking me if 'reverse osmosis' could be used as well, and this is what prompted me to embark onto yet another search on water quality.

What I found suggests - and not surprisingly so - that distilled and reverse osmosis water are devoid of minerals. This absence of minerals is then said to contribute to these types of waters having an acidic PH. Now, if I remember correctly (and please correct me if I am wrong), when the body is fed large amounts of acidic substances, minerals are leached from bones, teeth, etc. to 'buffer' this acidity to re-establish an internal PH balance. In this respect, is then seems that distilled/reverse osmosis water is more hurtful than beneficial for the human body. Any thoughts?

My questions are as follows:

1) It is recommended to use distilled water for the production of CS to prevent harmful reactions that may occur with the presence of other minerals in the water (so I've been told). What is the PH of the resulting CS solution?

2) When you drink water which doesn't contain silver colloids, do you still drink distilled water? 'Reverse osmosis' water? Or mineral water? (no point mentioning tap water)

3) Which type of drinking water, in your opinion, is best to hydrate the body (when ingested of course)?


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