Hi Carol Ann,

While it may be true some commercial generators do have problems (I won't go 
there)  it isn't the case with our generators as far as I'm concerned.  It's 
more like the Ron Popeil adverts that say "Just set it and forget it".  I make 
a gallon or more daily using an SG7 Pro and in the last 5 years have not had a 
yellow batch.  I make it as high as 30+ PPM as measured on a PWT meter.  
Admittedly I don't use the SG6 Auto to make CS very often but do leave it to 
customers to give me feedback about it's product quality.  Most are very happy 
with the units as you have seen a few testimonials here on the list.

I think that if one has good quality low mineralization water, a clean 
production vessel and a well designed generator the process is a "no brainer".

There are always those individuals that want to "do it yourself" and that's 
fine but it isn't really the best way to go if one wants good product produced 
with little fuss.   

Best regards,


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Carol Ann 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2006 4:49 AM
  Subject: RE: CS>Dangers of Colloidal Silver

  Now I understand better why you are considered an esteemed Moderator. More 
Buddha like perhaps.  :)

  Since I chose not to buy a ready made generator from a vendor I cannot give 
testimonial to any as many on the Forum do.  For those that decide to purchase 
them from a vendor the process is generally.....a piece of cake with little 
frustration and inconvenience involved.  Plug and Play.  They are a public 
service and there is a definate need. 

  For people who do choose to purchase a name brand there is definitely a 
learning curve which include assembling the materials,   mistakes/errors, 
higher incidence of bad batches, etc. One of the  purposes and major 
contributions of this list is to help those who assemble their own.   How one 
makes CS is a matter of choice.  For me, using a home made generator has been 
fraught with mistakes and there is a greater learning curve to produce a GOOD 
batch.  Its not at all as easy as some would imply. It would have certainly 
been less problematic (but more expensive) for me to buy a generator such as 
the SGen, letting someone else do the majority of the work but  I wish to 
understand the process and its a challenge towards continued perfection of GOOD 
brew.  Not everyone I know  that wishes to use CS can afford to invest in a 
ready made, practically mistake proof generator. 

  To those who may have misunderstood thinking that I am knocking or negating 
CS or vendors due to ambiguity of my posts I apologize.  Mike, thanks for 
making the point and allowing me to clarify my intention. 

  "M. G. Devour" <mdev...@eskimo.com> wrote:
    Carol Ann writes:
    > Geez. Would be nice if people could recognize a compliment (and a
    > little plug as to how much less fuss, fanfare and learning curve some of
    > the "bought" generators provide) when they see one......especially the
    > vendors.

    I saw a little room for ambiguity in what you were attempting to say, 
    Carol Ann. What with several levels of quoting and your original 
    comments not being included in later messages in the thread, I think 
    your intended meaning was obscured.

    I think it's an "Internet Rule(tm)" that *any* ambiguity *will* confuse 
    the readers. 

    I hope everyone now recognizes that you were attempting to be 
    complimentary of the vendors.

    If anyone else happens to respond negatively to earlier posts in the 
    thread before reading to this point, please be understanding of the 
    time warp they're posting from. 

    Be well,

    Mike D.

    [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
    [mdev...@eskimo.com ]
    [Speaking only for myself... ]

    The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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    To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

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    The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

    List maintainer: Mike Devour 

  Carol Ann

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