Marshalee, Debbie, James, 

Please step back and take it easy, ladies. Both of you are getting way 
too nasty over what ought never to have been allowed to be a problem. 

James, it won't help in the least to pile onto this one, okay? <sigh>

Debbie, I am content to allow Marshalee the *occasional* grammar or 
spelling rant. Anybody who's been with us long enough realizes that's a 
part of her personality that shows up once in a while and is usually 
easy enough to ignore. I'm very sorry it got on your nerves today.

Marshalee? Here's more evidence than you'd ever need that "grammar cop" 
is an *extremely* low-reward vocation here on the internet. 

Without the benefit of body language, facial expression, and tone of 
voice, it is bloody well impossible to correct someone here (or respond 
to such correction) without being taken a lot more seriously than you 
really intend.

Imagine standing stiffly in front of the other person, scowling 
frighteningly, pointing your finger at the end of your stiffened arm, 
inches from their nose, and pronouncing your written words in your 
worst "I'm the boss and you'd better listen to me!" kind of voice.

THAT is what we all start out sounding like the moment we type any kind 
of message the least bit critical of another person's words, ideas, or 

Unless you're prepared to invest an immense amount of delicacy in the 
composing of your response, it's best to leave it unsaid.

Any issue you think serious enough to respond nasty-like, is important 
enough to contact *me* with, privately, rather than on the list, and 
then allow me time to respond. That is how I ask everyone to deal with 
such issues.

Each of you, Marshalee and Debbie, could have, and, I think, should 
have, apologized the moment you realized, based on the other's 
response, that you had made each other angry. It would have stopped the 
inevitable hurt feelings in their tracks.  

Jonathan's and Craig's comments were both spot-on. 

Please cease and desist, and, if you can bring yourself to it, be  
sorry for the outburst of hostilities. It really isn't the best you're 
capable of.

Everyone else, PLEASE refrain from responding further, and have 
patience with the almost inevitable responses of people who will insist 
on reacting before they've managed to read this message! I will deal 
with them as they come in, most likely in private e-mail.

Thank you.

Be well,

Mike Devour
(Yes, he's the list owner...)

>   Well, then, Debbie, stop being so dumb! 
>   Cuts both ways, you see...
>   Marshalee come on stop being so anal...
>     -------------- Original message -------------- 
>     From: "Marshalee Hallett" <> 
>       Dear Debbie, 
>       The apostrophe shows possession, not plural, as in "the dog`s
>       bowl" or "the two dogs played". OK? Sorry, I`m an English purist.
>       The group can tell you all about me when I go wild over
>       "preventive" instead of "preventative"!! Love ya! Marshalee
>       I wonder if like mosqitoe's, these bug's bite because they pick up
>       on something in your system or that is lacking?...debbie
>       > 
>       > 

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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