Hi Sasha, 

Linda sent you an excellent post but I want to add to her advice. 
You said that you would go to the ends of Earth for your cat...Well, I can tell 
you a lot easier way than that: Feed your cat RAW DIET.  Cats are obligate 
carnivores and they can not digest the grains that are the main ingredients if 
cat food.  They can not digest any plant matter.  Raw fed cats are very healthy 
and have no reasons to visit the vets.  If you would like to learn more just 
google <raw diet cats> .  

I feed my 5 dogs raw since 1998 and 2 cats are 2 years old and fed raw since 
birth (well, since weaning LOL)  


  I know the above suggestions will be of benefit to your animal, but I cannot 
guarantee you will have the same miraculous results as my friend did with her 
basset hound.  I do not understand why or how it worked but it did.  Make sure 
you feed your pet a very good quality food also as that has a lot to do with 
their health.

  Good health and God bless


  EmoTap <sa...@emotap.com> wrote:

          Also, I would like to know how to give my cat the DE?  I would go to 
the ends of the earth for my little sweetie.
          Thank you very much. 