Hello, my dear friends!

Feeling free as a bird, now that I am very recently pensioned off, and still 
paid my fee till the end of August .. well the world keeps turning, as the 
Gibbs Brothers sang, and unknown approaches in health-care keep coming up. 
Which is good in the sense of 'to faith .. add knowledge'.

Treatment with gold wires (replacing silver) is one of the things that has been 
on my mind ever since I have heard of it. Supposedly it is a great agent for 
the treatment of depressions, with which my wife, who returned as a therapist 
of drug-addicts, after six months of study in her home-land, is confronted much.

Let me make this less complicated by asking questions:

v  is the treatment with "gold water" for depressions (no associations with Mr. 
Barry, from the sixties please) known in our circle?

v  is it as easily made as colloidal water?

v  anything known about further use of 'colloidal gold' (???)

v  can anyone with experience in this field give us some advice?

v  can we make the "colloidal gold" as easily with electric wires and batteries 
as well?


I hope to hear from you, my friends, so be able to expand the possibilities in 
our practice just a little bit.

Thank you beforehand,

And take good care of yourself.

Faith and Luz

licensed, practicing Reflexology therapists.

..behold the turtle

  it makes progress


  when its neck is out..