Ode Coyote <odecoy...@alltel.net> wrote:    I've been looking at the "evidence" 
for chemtrails for more than 5 years and have yet to see anything at all that 
stands up to scrutiny on those web sites.

A lot of [deliberate?] ignorance being presented as fact though....

Ode Coyote <odecoy...@alltel.net> wrote:

If you *can* see it, there can't be a connection..
  If you *can't* see it, there can be no valid connection made.

Do they exist?
  Take a plane up and take a freeking sample.  NO ground based study 
any validity at all.
  Since it's claimed that chemtrails are EVERYWHERE, what's the 
..hasn't been done.  Too easy?????????????


Weather Modification                                     Advisory and Research 
Board - Bill S517
Modification Research and Technology Transfer                                   
  Authorization                                   Act of 2005 - (Introduced in 
                                                              S 517 IS
                                 109th CONGRESS
                                 1st Session
                                 S. 517

             A BILL               
To establish the Weather Modification Operations and Research Board,      and 
for other purposes.    
    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United      
States of America in Congress assembled,

(a) PROMOTION                                     OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT- 
In                                 order to assist in expanding the theoretical 
                                and practical knowledge of weather 
modification,                                 the Board shall promote and fund 
research and                                 development, studies, and 
investigations with                                 respect to--
                               (1) improved forecast and decision-making 
technologies                                 for weather modification 
operations, including                                 tailored computer 
workstations and software and                                 new observation 
systems with remote sensors;                                 and
                               (2) assessments and evaluations of the efficacy  
                               of weather modification, both purposeful 
(including                                 cloud-seeding operations) and 
inadvertent (including                                 downwind effects and 
anthropogenic effects).
                               (b) FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE- Unless the use of      
                           the money is restricted or subject to any 
limitations                                 provided by law, the Board shall 
use amounts                                 in the Weather Modification 
Research and Development                                 Fund--
                               (1) to pay its expenses in the administration    
                             of this Act, and
                               (2) to provide for research and development      
                           with respect to weather modifications by grants      
                           to, or contracts or cooperative arrangements,        
                         with public or private agencies.
                               (c) REPORT- The Board shall submit to the 
Secretary                                 biennially a report on its findings 
and research                                 results.

  Carol Ann


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