Interesting discussions on the different vitamin C derivitives. I have been 
using ester c because I get cold sores in my mouth if I use any other kind. I 
have been concerned that this may not be the best form. I think it is a valied 
point that we are overdosing ourselves with forms of calcium that our body may 
be throwing off in kidney stones, calcium deposits where we dont want them etc 
etc. Does anyone have suggestions on which form is best to take if a person has 
problems with acidic system. One helpful adjunct to calcium supplementation is 
to include magnesium with it to help the calcium get to the bones. Does anyone 
have suggestions for a high quality mineral that includes absorbable forms in 
the proper ratio of calcium,postassium, and magnesium?
  Thanks to the people that gave suggestions on thymus.
  Daddy bob is your daughter showing any improvement with the salt /C regime?

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