-------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "brooks76009" <>

--- Begin Message --- We have, over the immediately past 14 years, conducted over 15 separate experimental investigations/trials involving effects of the mineral spectrum upon domestic large-animals and human beings. I have made summary comments relating to our results.....multiple times, on this list. Since our archives are at present, unavailable, I will restate our general findings (repeated multiple times earlier). NOTHING we evaluated equalled in degree or speed.....the effectiveness of granulated sea kelp. There were measurable differences in degree.....but ALL were effective in the general sense. I remind our members---yet again---that after the serum fraction and partial red-cell removal from human blood....the remainder constituent is ESSENTIALLY
SEA WATER. Kelp sequesters the entire mineral spectrum of the ocean and dutifully reflects it within the internal plant structure. Bottom line: Supplementing (daily) with granulated kelp comes very close to BULLET-PROOFING all large animals (especially humans) against any known mineral deficiency caused by UNAVAILABILITY. While it is true that some individuals present with biological proclivities which prevent them from properly assimilating/processing certain minerals under special conditions.....such circumstances are so rare as to be disregarded for general considerations of the topic at hand.
I contend that it is CRIMINAL in nature and allow the fiction to perpetuate----that varieties of segregated, percentage-balanced, specially compounded, synthetically manufactured or altered manipulated minerals are necessary for insuring proper human health. However, an entire industry has arisen...and a result this regrettable condition continuing. We have been unable....throughout the history of our researches involving mineral utilization in humans to be able to induce ANY FORM of ANY
MINERAL deficiency (from among the ocean-borne spectrum)....from among our experimental volunteer populations. Additionally, we have been unable to isolate or define ANY mineral not present in sea water, to be CRITICAL to the maintenance of proper health in human beings. Others may have encountered different results. If so, we would be profoundly interested in knowing of them.
Every member of our staff (and adult family members) include at least one heaping tablespoon of granulated marine kelp daily, among their supplements.
My apologies for this lengthy post.
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley. Harborne Research Foundation.

P.S. For those interested in conducting their own "experimental investigations" easily/satisfactorily ingest a heaping tablespoon of granulated kelp, divide into three quantities and consume as follows: take 1 teaspoon of granulated lecithin (an emulsified phospholipid derived from soy)
place in the mouth and add a couple of teaspoons of water...swish lightly to mix well and add one teaspoon of granulated kelp and dilute with additional water until an acceptable mixture obtains. Next, wash it all down with a glass of plain water. This approach allows individuals having a pronounced gag reflex to easily swallow a mixture they would, otherwise, be unable to do.
One very useful side benefit is the wonderful effect of lecithin, both as a splendid emulsifier....and an outstanding source of assimilable phosphorous (an
extremely important mineral difficult to obtain in adequate amounts in modern diets). Lecithin also aids greatly in assisting removal of atherosclerotic deposits from the cardio-vascular system.
Note: I advise against attempting to swallow these amounts (especially a heaping tablespoon) of kelp----without mixing it with lecithin. The main reason being that kelp is very hygroscopic and will absorb the water fraction so rapidly that a majority of persons will gag. Kelp will even initiate a demand on the moisture lining the epithelial tissue of the mouth. Mixed with lecithin the emulsified compound goes down beautifully.....and makes a MARVELOUS adjunct to protocols such as Mathias Rath's vitamin C based cardio-vascular health protocol.
---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------
>Subject : Re: CS>supplements to Terry/Soils depleted for sure
>Date : Sat, 05 Aug 2006 18:15:13 +0000
>From :
>To :
>Hi Lance...instead of going to all the trouble of buying and preparing worthless foods what product could we consume, if there is one out there, that we would benefit most from nutritionally.....thanks in advance debbie
>-------------- Original message --------------
>Much of my information comes from my company listening in on conference calls and asking the doctors that work for the company my numerous and often skeptical questions. However long before this experience I've been researching many different sources and reviewing many opinions from Medical Doctors, Osteopaths, Naturopaths and Nutritionists, and so on and assume many of you who must be health conscious have too . One of the things I point to is how studies HAVE been done for the past decades in regards to the level of chromium in our blood, a trace mineral that regulates blood sugar among other things. All but one test showed steady decline and the immediate tests afterwards showed continued decline. I'd have to find the study/article but I could show you the dramatic results that help show that clearly even if the 1936 testing was small in scope or even flawed, there is no way that our general produce has gotten better in mineral content! We fertilize our soils with NP! K pri!
> marily
>and have for about one hundred years. This is nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Farmers use what is necessary for their yield. This is only two minerals, phosphorus and potassium that are being ''reimbursed''. No real effort can be given to trace minerals, or even macro-minerals like calcium. Our soils as far as big time farms are being slowly depleted of ALL minerals but what is in NPK. Those two minerals and nitrogen are the only nourishment necessary to get your apples and Idaho Potatoes and corn from Ohio, etc. Sure sometimes they use Boric acid [Boron], etc. in small amounts or you find smaller farms or personal farms that have some good methods [hopefully like mine] and help a little bit, but this doesn't really help the majority using standard cheap, inorganic produce from big company farms concerned with patents of Genetically engineered products and getting as much yield for as little resources [money] as possible. And the small farms really don't ever come c! lose !
> to comp
>lete soil nourishment even with good methods IMO. So no matter what pick of great looking and abundant produce you have in a country ''seemingly'' the richest in food quality and I would think obviously in quantity you are going to be faced with ever depleted soils. This is what those of us witnessing this slow catastrophe have been saying for years. Getting the appropriate ratio and optimal amount of all vitamins, amino acids and essential fatty acids is quite frankly impossible unless you are in the severe minority of people who have near perfect diets. As for the minerals? Your apples and bush beans and onions DON'T MAKE MINERALS. Plants don't make minerals. If you can imagine given this view how we've improved anything but our caloric intake and protein availability since 1936 for the average American by depleting our soils and converting to high usage of vitamin and mineral depleting diets [i.e. soda pop, table sugar, High fructose corn syrup, Red Bull, Ramen Noodl! es an!
> d Campb
>ell's MSG gumbo] than you have quite an imagination. I can't picture it myself though. As far as I'm concerned, being robbed of selenium alone has contributed more to death and degeneration in America by disease- as well as some supposedly genetic diseases- than our FDA or AMA would ever admit no matter how compelling the evidence. This is my opinion once again, and I'm not a doctor, a scientist or an actor. So hey you know.
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