Dear Mike,

You will certainly be very welcome any time you want to pay us a visit!!

Margarita Island is a beautiful place and I am sure you would enjoy it.

Don´t you silver people ever have sort of a convention? Why don´t we organise a mini convention or congress or something and hold it here? <Ha, ha, ha...>. Now, thinking seriously, Why not? Can you imagine how much I would learn with some of you guys here? I would probably end up intoxicated!!

Take care.


From: "M. G. Devour" <>
Subject: Re: CS>Intestinal flora damaged by CS?
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2006 01:20:01 -5

Dear Carlos,

You write:
> My normal diet consists basically of an abundant supply of raw fruts and
> vegetables of all kinds. I also include fermented or germinated beans,
> lentiles, chick peas, peas and other leguminous seeds, corn, almonds,
> walnuts, hazel nuts, cashew nuts, sesame seeds, coconut water and pulp,
> and about 3 times a week fresh raw fish, which I can easily get here in
> Margarita Island, Venezuela, where we live. I avoid eating gluten (wheat
> and barley, except germinated) and dairy products, soy beans (except
> germinated), sugar, canned foods. Don´t smoke, never ever use coffee,
> soft drinks. In some special ocasions I drink one or two cups of wine
> with my family or close friends. I exercise every day (73 y.o.),
> normally before 6 a.m.

<SIGGHHH!> Can I come live at *your* house, Carlos???

That sounds so wonderful! <grin>

> Again, thank you very much.

You're most welcome, sir. You're doing an excellent job.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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