Yes, you have a wonderful diet.
The coconut too will give you wonderful healing and pathogen killing 
Virgin coconut oil is being used to treat all manner of diseases.
Have you looked into getting a homeopathic remedy?  I would have thought 
there would be a specific remedy available over the counter as a preparation 
from the pathogen itself, but a classical homeopath would choose the most 
similar remedy and one using a computer assisted diagnosis would be able to 
create one for you from the bioenergetic frequencies associated with the 
pathogen. (  - click on Evaluation and 
Screening - Electro-Dermal
screening. There may be something similar near where you live)
Ehrlichiosis: Human Monocytic Ehrlichiosis (HME) is caused by the organism 
Ehrlichia chaffeensis and is transmitted primarily by the lone star tick 
(Amblyomma americanum), but can also be transmitted by the American dog tick 
(Dermacentor variabilis). Whereas, the organism that causes Human 
Granulocytic Ehrlichiosis (HGE) has not yet been identified, but is known to 
be carried by the same tick that carries Lyme disease and Babesiosis (Ixodes 
Scapularis). Symptoms of HME or HGE include an acute febrile illness 
accompanied by headache, malaise, myalgia, fatigue, vomiting, anemia and 
rigors. Symptoms may mimic the flu, viral hepatitis, aseptic meningitis, 
pneumonia and cholecystitis. Less common symptoms may include cough, sore 
throat, diarrhea, lymphadenopathy, rash, seizures, abdominal pain and 
confusion. Untreated, mortality rate is up to 5% for HME, and about 7-10% 
for HGE. Diagnosis of Ehrlichiosis is made by examination of the blood from 
a peripheral smear. Since the Ehrlichial organisms are obligate 
intracellular parasites, they cannot be easily detected with the usual 
methods. Diagnosis currently depends upon direct visualization of the 
characteristic inclusion bodies in the white blood cells (monocytic or 
granulocytic) from an infected host.(15,16).......... A search through 
Murphy's Repertory (20) reveals three medicines under Lyme disease: 
Arsenicum album, Mercurius and Thuja. Expanding the search through the 
MacRepertory and ReferenceWorks programs, reveals four additional medicines: 
Carcinosin, Lac caninum, Ledum, and Syphilinum. I also include Tick Bite, 
Lyme Tick and Borrelia when evaluating cases of known or suspected Lyme 
disease or prophylaxis. These medicines are only a starting point for 
consideration. Any homeopathic medicine can be used to effectively treat 
Lyme disease if it is the simillimum to the individual case...........    Ozone is equally 
effective against Equine Ehrlichiosis and Potomac Horse Fever, caused by the 
rickettsial agents Ehrlichia equi and E. risticii respectively, as well as 
against Equine Encephalomyelitis (EE) including Eastern (EEE), Western 
(WEE), Venezuelan (VEE) and other togaviral and flaviviral EE,

vegetables of all kinds. I also include fermented or germinated beans,
lentiles, chick peas, peas and other leguminous seeds, corn, almonds,
walnuts, hazel nuts, cashew nuts, sesame seeds, coconut water and pulp, and
about 3 times a week fresh raw fish, which I can easily get here in
Margarita Island, Venezuela, 

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