Interestingly a couple of years ago when I got bitten by a tick and got a
bulls eye around it, I started taking a LOT of CS for a couple of weeks (a
quart or more a day).  I didn't get lymes, but I did mess up my intestines.
Something wicked set up in there, and no matter how many probiotics I took,
they could not evict it.  Well as it turns out when we started discussing
cyanne a few weeks ago, I started taking two capsules a day.  Within 24 hours
my intestines were back to normal, and have stayed that way. Apparently cyanne
took out the bad flora, and does not bother the good flora at all!


"M. G. Devour" wrote:

> Dear Carlos,
> Back in my earlier days of experimenting with CS, I went for a spell of
> probably several weeks, taking several mouthfuls per day of fairly
> concentrated CS (probably 20ppm or more, large particles, dark amber
> colored). I started to feel tired and weak, with achiness in my large
> muscle groups. It was starting to be painful to climb stairs, get out
> of a chair, or otherwise haul myself around.
> Then somebody on the list happened to describe the symptoms of acute
> calcium deficiency, which matched what I was experiencing.
> I asked Rosie to go to the store and buy me a half-gallon of orange
> juice with added calcium citrate. After drinking a few glasses of that
> over the course of a day, I was back to normal.
> It turns out that our intenstinal flora is crucial to absorption of
> calcium, and I had succeeded in disrupting mine.
> So it can happen.
> CS is indiscriminate in the germs it will kill. However, it works best
> in a liquid environment, and least well in a solid medium. Thus it
> tends not to disrupt intestinal flora unless you're particularly
> aggressive with it.
> Repopulating with probiotics or other aids is a prudent measure to
> take, as it should greatly speed re-establishment of the healthy colony
> of "friendly" bacteria we so depend on.
> Be well,
> Mike D.
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have read many times that CS does not damage our helpful bacteria, but
> > recently there was a comment recommending use of yoghurt or other
> > acidophilous culture in order to correct the damage caused by CS to our
> > fermentative intestinal flora after prolongued use.
> >
> > How long and at what doses does "prolongued" mean?
> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
> [                        ]
> [Speaking only for myself...               ]
> --
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