Hi Mike ...I asked this before and was told that cs did not affect the flora of 
the intestines...thanks debbie
-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: "M. G. Devour" <mdev...@eskimo.com> 

> Dear Carlos, 
> Back in my earlier days of experimenting with CS, I went for a spell of 
> probably several weeks, taking several mouthfuls per day of fairly 
> concentrated CS (probably 20ppm or more, large particles, dark amber 
> colored). I started to feel tired and weak, with achiness in my large 
> muscle groups. It was starting to be painful to climb stairs, get out 
> of a chair, or otherwise haul myself around. 
> Then somebody on the list happened to describe the symptoms of acute 
> calcium deficiency, which matched what I was experiencing. 
> I asked Rosie to go to the store and buy me a half-gallon of orange 
> juice with added calcium citrate. After drinking a few glasses of that 
> over the course of a day, I was back to normal. 
> It turns out that our intenstinal flora is crucial to absorption of 
> calcium, and I had succeeded in disrupting mine. 
> So it can happen. 
> CS is indiscriminate in the germs it will kill. However, it works best 
> in a liquid environment, and least well in a solid medium. Thus it 
> tends not to disrupt intestinal flora unless you're particularly 
> aggressive with it. 
> Repopulating with probiotics or other aids is a prudent measure to 
> take, as it should greatly speed re-establishment of the healthy colony 
> of "friendly" bacteria we so depend on. 
> Be well, 
> Mike D. 
> > Hello, 
> > 
> > I have read many times that CS does not damage our helpful bacteria, but 
> > recently there was a comment recommending use of yoghurt or other 
> > acidophilous culture in order to correct the damage caused by CS to our 
> > fermentative intestinal flora after prolongued use. 
> > 
> > How long and at what doses does "prolongued" mean? 
> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian] 
> [mdev...@eskimo.com ] 
> [Speaking only for myself... ] 
> -- 
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