Boy, I wonder if any CS generator manufacturers are lining up to sell
their product to this one?...

(I pity the fool.)

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 8:42 PM
Subject: Re: CS>better generator?


Your bullying techniques won't work on me.

You are not being truthful or honorable and you know it.

You are threatening me and you are insinuating a load of dishonorable
things about me dishonorably.

I have nothing more to say to you or your "possy" who's got their
panties in a wad that a girl actually dares to speak a truth that
happens to annoy them.

I didn't ask for this DRAMA and all these accusations from you or your

I didn't complain about you or your product.  I just asked for a
recommendation.  My post last week just stated that I needed a simple
reommendation on other products people are using.  Nothing more !  You
act like I attacked your manhood !

If this is what happens to anyone who DARES to say that your generator
isn't working well, no wonder you have to ask ME for the names of the
people unhappy with what you're selling !  If you really want to hear
from people directly, consider following your own advice and open your
mind to the possibility that your product is FAULTY instead of taking
the easy way out and blaming the user.

"If I insist that the root of a problem lies where it doesn't, I'll
NEVER solve the problem."

I asked you for an address to return your unit, days ago.  Never got it.

Don't care to deal with all your hassle about it anymore for a measly
hundred bucks.

I'm getting my new generator and have enough people on this list who've
contacted me off-line and offered to help right now as well as once I
get going again with the new generator.

So, I'm all set and grateful for all the help and humor shared with me
by so many wonderful people on this list!

Signing off.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ode Coyote" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 5:54 AM
Subject: Re: CS>better generator?

>   Hey
>  If the silver is coming off the electrodes, there's no way in the
> it's not going into the water.
>  If there is current flowing between the electrodes, it has to make
> ions to do it.
>  Since the LED is hooked up in series with the electrodes in a
> and SHOWS that ions are entering the water which it must do for
current to
> flow, if that LED is lit, it MUST be making ions in that water.
> If the LED isn't lit up, there's no way the electrodes will erode.
>  There's just no way around that.
> If the LED lights up and the electrodes DON'T go away, that could be
> to water inside the generator. [Which will eventually kill the
>  That current is going somewhere.
>  If the LED lights up when the electrodes AREN'T in the water, the
> generator is full of water and we'll go from there.
>  Either your "problem" is in the way you measure the PPM.
> Or where the silver  *wound up* after it entered the water.
>  It's there somewhere !
>  If the bottom of the generator is all silvery, that's where it went
> where it will continue to go because the container was repeatedly
> too full and the *operator* shorted the process out.
> In all such cases, it's operator error of the machine, or the
>  Have these "other people" contact me.
>  Those who have, received satisfaction.
>  I'll fix any machine that's really broken, regardless of reason, or
> there-of...but sending in a machine that's not really broken is
> pointless.
> 98 times out of a hundred, it's the operator that needs the trouble
> shooting.
>   Another 1.98% is a broken machine because the operator didn't get
> troubleshooting soon enough.
>  .02% is plain old *out of the blue*  failure of some part.
> It doesn't matter which...I'll fix whatever CAN be fixed.
>  I can't fix a persons head without their co-operation.
> Believe this:  There is no limit to perceptual error and resulting
> error.
>  I've had more than one person call and ask why a spot of paint no
> lights up. [If you ever really DID see that spot of paint light up,
> me how you got it to. I'll share the riches! ]
> One even saw the red LED light up several times when the first thing
> did was to put the power supply in their junk drawer.
>  There was no red LED on that machine. [It was yellow and can't light
> unless you plug something in]
>  Even the smartest people can do incredibly idiotic things and never
> consider that they are being the idiots.
>  Everyone does it now and then, myself not excepted.
>  That's human nature.
>  I don't know who said this but it's true enough.
> "Nothing is foolproof to the sufficiently talented fool."
>  I know this from experience:
> If I insist that the root of a problem lies where it doesn't, I'll
> solve the problem.
>  The very first place to look is how the problem is being perceived
> because perception is the least reliable element in any problem.
> "It can't be this because I can't be that stupid" ?
> Forget that.  It never works.
>  ANYBODY can be that stupid.  Denying it never helps.
>  Saying that "other people" have made the same errors doesn't make
> not be errors.
> What is far more likely is that those people discovered that they were
> looking at the problem cock-eyed and are reasonable people.
>  Any machine can have a problem even if the odds are very good it's
> person with the problem.
> List the "other people" and I'll address the problems where they are,
> matter where OR why they are. [Even if "I" am it or have to buy my way
> of their part because they refuse to address the perception of a
> that doesn't really exist ]
> It boils down to this cold hard fact:
>  Either you'll be happy with the product or you'll be happy denying
> a sufficiently talented  idiot.
>  That's what "Refund for no reason at all" means.
> Usually, 30 days is long enough to not figure something out.
> In your case, Angel, that was extended to *whatever it takes* on
> without any arguments, but you didn't bother to mention that here.  It
> takes you almost 2 years?
> Not mentioning that is a direct and dishonest public attack on my
> integrity, honesty and reputation which is the very basis of
> customers, being my only sales team. [BTW, thanks for the very nice
> to Marianna. The CS probably went brown due to contaminants
impregnated in
> the storage bottle glass..happened to me once too, after triple
> and rinsing that jar.   Funny story actually. ]
>  Legally, that's called slander.
>  I'll not play that game.
> Make your return, take your refund..
> ..but doing so will be quite revealing, now won't it?
> How?  Not having the machine looked at disallows eliminating it as the
> problem.
> However pointless having a free look-see might be, however many times
> option was offered, it hasn't been done.
>  "It" either works right or it doesn't.
>   If it doesn't, I  would have MADE it work right, at no charge, as
> stated.
> If there's nothing wrong with it, there's something wrong with your
> procedures.
> I have no control at all over that.
>  You aren't playing fair and you are publicly not playing fair.
> As a result, refund and revelation is the only option I'll accept.
> At this point, either the machine is broken and so are you, or, you
> broken and the machine isn't.
>  I've done everything I can to ensure that you cannot be dissatisfied
> the product.  I've gone well beyond that call.  Did I even charge you
> a $45 upgrade item?
> You've now made sure that you can only be self exposed as unreasoning.
> You've absolved me of the need to eat crow  [I have in the past and it
> hurt, but I did it.]  and this slander game will end.
>  I could sue, but won't at this time.  The truth is more important
> the money you paid. [Besides, I AM as nice as I'm allowed to be and
> some. ]
> BTW  Google can tell me wherever you go from here and where you've
> There is not much on the web that isn't public.
> The truth will be told.
> Ode   [OK, I'm done being pissed off now. Back to something useful. ]
> If you loan money to someone who never pays you back, what you're
> doing is paying them to go away.
>  It's usually worth it in the long run.
> At 02:52 PM 9/19/2006 -0700, you wrote:
>>Yes, other people are having the same problem as I am.  Well, I can't
>>it's the same "problem" but I can say they are having the same issues
>>the results, as I am.
>>I had about 26-28 responses to my first posting a few weeks ago and
>>last one a few days ago, all from very helpful people.  About 10-12 of
>>them said they couldn't tell me why it wasn't working, because it
>>working for them either.  Some of them said that it HAD worked for a
>>months, but after that, no matter how long they let the generator run,
>>never produced ppm higher than mine does.  Most of them seemed smarter
>>than I am however, since they stopped trying.  They realized all they
>>doing was wearing down their silver rods.  I guess I'm too optimistic,
>>every dang batch I made I kept hoping that THIS time it will work !
>>sure enough, my silver rods are way skinnier than they should be based
>>how very few batches I've done since I got this thing.
>>Some of them said that they didn't bother posting any questions about
>>because it seems the responses to problems are always stating and
>>the obvious.
>>My personal experience hasn't been that this list's posts and
responses as
>>"restating the obvious," on the contrary, I've found them very helpful
>>I'm grateful for them.  But perhaps that is because I'm still a
>>beginner at this stuff.
>>Thanks for your offer of free repair, but we already did that once
>>any improvement.
>>What other generators are all the list members using?
>>----- Original Message ----- From: "Ode Coyote" <>
>>To: <>
>>Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 7:39 AM
>>Subject: Re: CS>better generator?
>>>   What other people are having problems?
>>>So far as I know, you are the only one.
>>>If you think it's not working right, send it to me for free repairs.
>>>At 03:11 PM 9/18/2006 -0700, you wrote:
>>>>Hi all,
>>>>A few weeks ago I posted asking for advice on how to get my Silver
>>>>to work properly. Although I had dozens of responses (thank you to
>>>>!!! ), we were not able to get it working properly.  It seems about
>>>>of the people had the same problem with theirs (not being able to
>>>>anything higher than 3-4ppm) but didn't care too much since 3-4 ppms
>>>>enough for their needs.
>>>>I want higher ppms and this was one of the reasons I chos the Silver
>>>>Puppy, but since the Silver Puppy isn't able to produce that, I'm
>>>>for recommendations on other brands/units that are more reliable in
>>>>producing specific ppms.
>>>>Would you more experienced and more knowledgable silverists please
>>>>advise on what I should consider getting?

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