I just received a bottle of CS from Meso silver (Colloids for life LLC),
which is supposed to be 20 PPM, and 80% particles versus 20% ions. 


It has a light yellow-green hue, resembling the water that you get after
boiling mustard greens. When tested with a Hanna PWT meter and a laser pen,
it gave the following results:


1.  PPM = 8.1

2.  Tyndal effect = Very strong


The CS that I have been producing measures up to 15 PPM, is clear, and has
virtually no Tyndall effect.


I have read that a good batch is supposed to be clear, but Meso's is
colored, but without visible particles.


Meso was rated as the top quality CS in a table which gave detailed
comparison of the products of several vendors who sent it their samples for


Can anyone help me understand what is going on? How can I be measuring 15
PPM for my product and 8.1 PPM for Meso's. How can I have clear water at 15
PPM and Meso a colored water at 8.1 PPM? I must be missing something here.




P.S. In  previous correspondence I mentioned using a PPM meter, when I
really meant the Hannah PWT meter that I got from Silver-Gen.