Well.........yes.  If I made a brew the color of what I bought the first thing 
I would think of is that it would be a less than desireable batch because of 
the dark tea color. Yet, it is called colloidial.  From what I read here   it 
would be true and I am making "ionic" as opposed to what I bought, which seems 
to be more particle. 

"I want to put as much silver in the water as I can
while limiting the silver particle size. When the
silver particles reach a certain size, they begin to
refract light, giving the water a light yellow color.
As they continue to get bigger, the color darkens. As
long as the water stays crystal clear, I know the
silver particles are too small to be of any concern
(argyria or whatever), so I stop brewing just before
color occurs. With my own CS, that’s about 15-20 ppm
(according to Bob Berger), which is as strong as
anyone needs, especially if the particles are very
small. Remember, it’s not how much silver is ingested,
but how small the silver particles are. Remember also,
ppm is a measurement of TOTAL SILVER CONTENT, not how
many silver particles are present. You could have one
lump of silver the size of a BB in the bottom of a jar
of water and still have 20 ppm.

Some of the studies demonstrating dramatic silver
efficacy were conducted using ppb (parts-per-billion).
It’s not how many particles of silver that is
responsible for the efficacy of CS, it’s how small
they are.

"Peter M. Stellas" <stel...@foxinternet.net> wrote:                 Carol Ann, 
  I don’t think that your response answers the question that I posed in my 
message. I don’t understand what you are telling me. Are you just adding your 
confusion to mine, in search of an answer?
  -----Original Message-----
 From: Carol Ann [mailto:saffiresk...@yahoo.com] 
 Sent: Sunday, November 12, 2006 5:26 PM
 To: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Subject: Re: CS>Puzzled!
  Today I bought a bottle of Natural Path Silver Wings which and the bottle 
says 250 pmm per teaspoon.  TDS meter measured 120. It has a strong Tyndall, is 
the color of dark Tea with only the slightest metalic taste..  
 If I doubled the TDS reading I would get 240 pmm. 
 "Peter M. Stellas" <stel...@foxinternet.net> wrote:
    I just received a bottle of CS from Meso silver (Colloids for life LLC), 
which is supposed to be 20 PPM, and 80% particles versus 20% ions. 
    It has a light yellow-green hue, resembling the water that you get after 
boiling mustard greens. When tested with a Hanna PWT meter and a laser pen, it 
gave the following results:
    1.  PPM = 8.1
    2.  Tyndal effect = Very strong
    The CS that I have been producing measures up to 15 PPM, is clear, and has 
virtually no Tyndall effect.
    I have read that a good batch is supposed to be clear, but Meso’s is 
colored, but without visible particles.
    Meso was rated as the top quality CS in a table which gave detailed 
comparison of the products of several vendors who sent it their samples for 
    Can anyone help me understand what is going on? How can I be measuring 15 
PPM for my product and 8.1 PPM for Meso’s. How can I have clear water at 15 PPM 
and Meso a colored water at 8.1 PPM? I must be missing something here.
    P.S. In  previous correspondence I mentioned using a PPM meter, when I 
really meant the Hannah PWT meter that I got from Silver-Gen.
          Regards, Carol Ann~
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Regards, Carol Ann~

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