The PWT measures only conductance-- it does not and cannot measure particles as particles do not show conductance. Therefore the particulate portion of the Mesosilver is not being measured. The strong Tyndall does show there are a lot of particles. The high proportion of particles are the reason for the color. In your own CS your PWT is measuring the ionic portion, which has conductance. A weak Tyndall shows you have few particles and those that are present are likely very small.

There is plenty of disagreement between Frank Key who believes particular silver is more effective than ionic, and most of the members here or a company like Sovereign Silver who believe that ionic is far more effective than particulate. For the ionic side of the disagreement, do read the Sovereign Silver info at

In your own
Peter M. Stellas wrote:

I just received a bottle of CS from Meso silver (Colloids for life LLC), which is supposed to be 20 PPM, and 80% particles versus 20% ions.

It has a light yellow-green hue, resembling the water that you get after boiling mustard greens. When tested with a Hanna PWT meter and a laser pen, it gave the following results:

1. PPM = 8.1

2. Tyndal effect = Very strong

The CS that I have been producing measures up to 15 PPM, is clear, and has virtually no Tyndall effect.

I have read that a good batch is supposed to be clear, but Meso’s is colored, but without visible particles.

Meso was rated as the top quality CS in a table which gave detailed comparison of the products of several vendors who sent it their samples for evaluation.

Can anyone help me understand what is going on? How can I be measuring 15 PPM for my product and 8.1 PPM for Meso’s. How can I have clear water at 15 PPM and Meso a colored water at 8.1 PPM? I must be missing something here.

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