This mink rancher houses 12,500 animals in 37
buildings, over about 30-40 acres. It doesnÂ’t seem
realistic to try to brew CS into the amount of water
that flows constantly to 37 buildings. The alternative
is to treat the daily 160-gallon tank of water that is
mixed with the animals feed. This would be done as the
water was flowing into that tank.

Today I spent the afternoon looking at various types
of pipes and tubing, discussing what I was wanting to
do with various salesmen. I finally became convinced
that trying to suspend a silver rod down the middle of
a section of metal pipe was too complicated. At last
thought (until something better occurs to me), I
envision using a ¾” clear plastic tubing about 12”
long, with a silver rod on one side of the inside of
the tube, and a stainless steel rod running parallel
on the other side of the inside of the tubing. There
would then be nearly ¾” between the two rods that the
water is flowing between and through. The water flows
through at about 10 gallons per minute into the
160-gallon tank. It seems that if I had 110VDC applied
to the two metal rods (positive to the silver rod,
negative to the steel rod), silver particles would be
emitted into the water as it flowed through. The water
flow is so fast that it only takes about 15 minutes to
fill the 160-gallon tank.

I can see the need to be able to perform before and
after measurements of the water to get an idea of the
silver ppm level. The problem with these measurements
is that I donÂ’t know how to determine how much of,
say, a 20 ppm measurement is silver and how much is
the minerals already in the tap water that is flowing
through the hose. I suppose if the water tested at 15
ppm before the unit was turned on, then read 20 ppm
after going through my setup, that would mean the
extra 5 ppm was added silver. ??


Terry Chamberlin

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