In the same way that the soup of organic chemical reactions led to
evolutionary systems and eventually led to *us* thinking.

Yes you're right.
I was thinking on the lines of the first ape description and moving it
along from there:)


On 9/27/06, Joel Pitt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 9/28/06, Anna Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bruce LaDuke wrote:
> I don't believe a machine can ever have intention that doesn't
> ultimately trace back to a human being.
> I was curious to know what the major opinions are on this comment.
> Most of my concerns are related to the fact that I too believe it will
> be traced back to a human(s).  Are there other ways at looking at the
> scenario?  Do people really believe that a whole new species will
> emerge not having any reflection to a human?

Well this starts to get into cause and effect discussion.

My 2c is that since we'll ultimately create these thinking machines,
so any intention it has will be, in some way, however distant and
removed, traceable back to humans.

In the same way that the soup of organic chemical reactions led to
evolutionary systems and eventually led to *us* thinking.



"Wish not to seem, but to be, the best."
                -- Aeschylus

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