deering <[EMAIL PROTECTED] on Sat, Oct 21, 2006 at 1:40 PM wrote:
I think I have come across an epiphany.  'Normal' people, not like
us, make all of >their decisions based on arguments from authority.

I would love for you to write what is a descriptive paragraph of
"normal people", then maybe i'll understand what your epiphany is.

They don't feel competent to think for themselves.  They have always
been told >that the experts know best.

I'm not sure I understand.  Everything we learn comes from nature.
The experts in nature have learned many things.  Wouldn't the right
phrase be; "They, the experts in that area of expertise have taught us
very valuable things".
Therefore, it's a contradiction.
If you feel that people are not competent it's because you're not
interested in their expertise.
The experts come in very many different forms.  There is the experts
in science, math, religion, sales, education, heuristics, technology
and many other fields.

I agree that I acknowledge that a form of Singularity will occur, i'm
just not clear what form will appeal to the general public.

Ignoring the mass is only going to limit the potential of any idea.
People buy CD's, watch tv, download music, chat, read (if you're
lucky) therefore the only possible solution is to find a way to
integrate within the mass population.  (Unless ofcourse, the
scientific technological world really doesn't mean to participate
within the general public, I would assume that's a possibility.)

Like climate change, when the overwhelming majority of experts agree
that it's >real and coming, and when they say it on CNN, only then,
will the viewers believe >it.

When it finally arrives on TV or DVD, chances are, it's passé.  Already done.
Again a contradiction.
Then how do you change things?
The catch is to find the balance between the two.
Nobody from the science world is ever going to understand the man that
"picks up the garbage" and that downloads Eliezer's speach at Stanford
but there are humans and believers that do just that.
Reducing them to a small majority is ignorant.  You do not have the
statistics to really generalize the public. (If you do, I would be
very interested in seeing those statistics, at least then, I could
change my opinion.)

A reasoner would know this.

Just an opinion.

Don't stop trying to convince the viewers directly one-on-one, but
understand >why it will never get anywhere.  Instead, try to convince
the experts.

I was curious.
How many experts do you think there are in the field?
Do you not think it's about time that the general public becomes
somewhat aware of what's going on regarding the Transhumanists,
Singularity and Extropian points of view?
I'm aware that most will not be convinced simply due to ignorance,
lack of vision and creativity but isn't it up to those that are aware,
to make it clear to those that don't understand?

On 10/21/06, deering <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
In reference to the original question of this thread, 'How to convince
non-techy types of the Singularity.'  I think I have come across an
epiphany.  'Normal' people, not like us, make all of their decisions based
on arguments from authority.  They don't feel competent to think for
themselves.  They have always been told that the experts know best.  Until
they see it on CNN they won't believe it.  You can't reason with them.
They're not reasoners, they're viewers.

Don't stop trying to convince the viewers directly one-on-one, but
understand why it will never get anywhere.  Instead, try to convince the
experts.  Like climate change, when the overwhelming majority of experts
agree that it's real and coming, and when they say it on CNN, only then,
will the viewers believe it.

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