On 10/22/06, Bill K wrote:

But I agree that huge military R&D expenditure (which already supports
many, many research groups) is the place most likely to produce
singularity-level events.

I am aware that the military is the most likely place to produce
singularity-level events, i'm just trying to stay optimistic that a
war won't be the answer to advancing it.


On 10/22/06, BillK <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 10/22/06, Anna Taylor wrote:
> Gregory, this is a very damaging responsive.
> Posthuman has nothing to do with "supersoldiers".
> Technology is not there to enhance war like behavior.  What part of
> history made you think that?

Unfortunately history tells us that war drives technology forward.
After the war, military tech developments find civilian uses.

WWII produced a huge leap forward in many technologies.
Iraq is continuing to drive military technology R&D.

DARPA already has unmanned robot vehicles driving around.
They want them flying around soon as well.

The military R&D may not necessarily go in the direction of a
superhuman-soldier. They may be aiming more at non-human automatic
weaponry, backed up by enhanced humans.

But I agree that huge military R&D expenditure (which already supports
many, many research groups) is the place most likely to produce
singularity-level events.

You should be keeping your fingers crossed that the USA gets there first.


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