Sort of like "wild land races" or native ancestral crop species
which are  preserved  to enhance  modern trait specific varieties
with traits formerly not considered important.

or like a zoo/game farm or seed/gene bank.... is to other species.

Unlike our ancestors  and the cro-magnons et. al., posthumans  may choose to co-exist with their ancestral kinfolk.   I am assuming we either killed off or starved out
or spread dire plague which decimated our missing link homo-sapiens.


On 10/9/06, Lúcio de Souza Coelho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I think that is a natural outcome, and will not necessarily be imposed
by some elite. Some people will simply not want to participate on the
Singularity, and possibly *large* numbers of people will refuse to be
uploaded. Indeed that's already happening. You mentioned restrictions
to stem cell research, and I would point that there are even more
extreme cases, like Amish living as if they were in the 18th Century.

Actually I think that it is good to preserve a diversity of humans in
various stages of development. Supposing that something goes terribly
wrong with the Singularity, those "quaint" humans will continue to
live more or less like we do today, and art, culture and science will
not be altogether lost.

On 10/8/06, Gregory Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There is the possibility that those in power worldwide might decide to
> create 2 classes of citizens, those chosen to participate in the singularity
> and those left behind.
>  Humanity has a certain dog in the manger , elitist tendency that come out
> at the worst of times.
>  The dividing line might be economic, social, religeous, and welfare-state
> mediated.
>  So, I'm suggesting as a counter argument that a developing AI might work in
> concert with
>  those able and willling to pay, with  acceptable racial, social, religeous
> and political  mores
>  to rationaize  the cost / ration the benefits of  implementation .
>  In turn some leading edge technology might be allowed to be forbidden by
> laws and only available
>  within a black market economy accessible only to the chosen elite.
>  The singularity might not be evenly distributed...?
>  Take the stem cell senario and the global drug laws as examples.
>  One can make spin doctored laws that have secret second adjendas.
>  I surreal argument, but these sort of events have happened in history
> before.
>  Morris
> On 10/4/06, Joshua Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Could I offer Singularity-list readers this intellectual challenge: Give
> an argument supporting the thesis "Any sort of Singularity is very unlikely
> to occur in this century."
> >
> > Even if you don't actually believe the point, consider it a
> debate-club-style challenge. If there is already something on the web
> somewhere, could you please point me to it.
> >
> > I've been eager for this piece ever since I learned of the Singularity
> concept.  I know of  the "objections" chapter in Kurzweil's Singularity is
> Near, the relevant parts of Vinge's seminal essay, as well the ideas of
> Lanier, Huebner, and a few others, but in all the millions of words out
> there I can't remember seeing a well-reasoned article with the above claim
> as its major thesis.  (Note, I'm looking for "why the Singularity won't
> happen" rather than "why the Singularity is a bad idea" or "why technology
> is not accelerating".)
> >
> >
> > Joshua ________________________________
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