Why would a simulating alien race want to create a
universe with fluctuating constants as opposed to
fixed constants? To drop us a subtle hint? Why a
subtle hint, and not an obvious hint or no hint at

--- Matt Mahoney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> --- Eugen Leitl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Wed, Mar 28, 2007 at 06:19:47AM -0700, Matt
> Mahoney wrote:
> > > *The entropy of the universe is of the order T^2
> c^5/hG ~ 10^122 bits,
> > where T
> > > is the age of the universe, c is the speed of
> light, h is Planck's
> > constant
> > > and G is the gravitational constant.  By
> coincidence (or not?), each bit
> > would
> > > occupy the volume of a proton.  (The physical
> constants do not depend on
> > any
> > 
> > A proton is a damn complex system. Don't see how
> you could equal it with one
> > mere bit.
> I don't.  I am equating one bit with a volume of
> space about the size of a
> proton.  The actual number of baryons in the
> universe is smaller, about 10^80.
>  If you squashed the universe flat, it would form a
> sheet about one proton
> thick.  
> But I am also pointing out a coincidence (or not) of
> physics.  But you will
> note that the volume of the universe is proportional
> to T^3, not T^2, so if
> the relation is not a coincidence, then either the
> properties of the proton or
> one of the other physical constants would not be
> constant.
> And BTW I agree that we cannot prove or disprove
> that the universe is a
> simulation.
> -- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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