Alan Grimes wrote:
OTOH, let's consider a few scenario's where not super-human AI
develops.  Instead there develops:
a) A cult of death that decides that humanity is a mistake, and decides
to solve the problem via genetically engineered plagues.  (Well,
diseases.  I don't specifically mean plague.)
I don't think they're serious.  But some similar group could be.
b) A military "genius" takes over a major country and decides to conquer
the world using atomic weapons.

c) Several rival "racial supremacy" groups take over countries, and
start trying to conquer the world using plagues to either modify all
others to be just like them, or sterile.

Israel, right?
Israel seems more religious sectarian. I left that one out. Racial was more like the Nazis, but they aren't the only ones to have had that approach. They just tried to be more thorough than most. I was supposing that several such groups got started at once. (Read some US newspapers from the 1920's. Read some British from earlier.)
d) Insert your own favorite human psychopathology.

Somehow I don't see the National Football League as being a psychopathology of this variety. :-) I did, however, mean to indicate that this list wasn't exhaustive.

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