--- Alan Grimes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Tom McCabe wrote:
> > Even a ridiculously simple CPU, such as the one at
> >
> > has a heck of a lot more than "memory and a
> control
> > unit". A brief overview of some of the main
> components
> > can be seen at
> >
> ur a fucking idiot, I hope you will eventually be
> able to realize that. =|


Also, I clearly remember you going on an angry tirade
about operating systems, which not only had zero
information content, but was blatantly off-topic. Pot
calling the kettle black.

> I want you to go to amazon.com and get yourself a
> copy of the following
> books:
> 1. Computer organization and design: the
> hardware/software interface. I
> have the second edition. Read chapter 5. It's not
> the best book but it's
> commonly available...
> 2. Principles of Neural Science, again I have the
> second edition... I
> want you to read it cover to cover and skip only the
> chapters about
> biochemistry.
> Once you have done that, I'll welcome your input on
> my ideas. =|

So, let me get this straight... you seriously expect
me to spend $180 and several weeks reading books to
understand your sophisticated knockdown arguments.
What were they again? Oh, yeah, it went something

"ur a fucking idiot,"

Real clever there.

> -- 
> Opera: Sing it loud! :o(  )>-<
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 - Tom

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