Charles D Hixson wrote:
> Alan Grimes wrote:
>>> Think of asserting that "All computers will be, at their core, adding
>>> machines."
>>> to get what appears to me to be the right feeling tone.

>> Well, if you take apart a modern CPU, you will find it has 3 or 4 nearly
>> identical units called "Arethmitic Logic Units" -- which are glorified
>> adding machines, and these four ALUs process every piece of data in main
>> memory.

>> To get a whole computer, you need a memory and a control unit and damn
>> little else.

> Unnh...I said *adding* machine.  I wasn't including subtraction, boolean
> operations, shifts, jumps, etc.  You can't have a computer without
> adding, but adding doesn't give you a computer.

Who said computers could subtract?

They compute the two's compliment negation of one of the operands and
then add. ;)

Opera: Sing it loud! :o(  )>-<

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